Make Your Videos Stand Out with Creative Animations


Mara SAN

Mara SAN

If you are a content creator and want to make your videos on platforms like Instagram, YouTube or TikTok more attractive, animations can be an excellent option. Today I will teach you how to add animations to the videos you have recorded, using Clip Studio Paint, a powerful tool that will allow you to give a unique touch to your reels, shorts and any other type of video.

Step 1: Set up the Project

The first thing you need to do is create a new file in Clip Studio Paint. To do this, select “Illustration”(1) and adjust the canvas size according to the format of your video. If it is a vertical video, the ideal size is 1080x1920 pixels. (2)

The resolution depends on the use you are going to give it. If the video is for the web, you can leave it at 72 dpi. (3) But if you want higher quality and the format allows it, I recommend using 300 dpi. In addition, we will activate the "Create moving illustration" option(4). This is a key step to start working on animations.

Step 2: Import the Video

Now, it’s time to import the video into the canvas. Go to the File – Import Movie menu and select the file you want to animate. Make sure it is in mp4, avi or mov format.

Once the video has loaded onto the canvas, adjust the timeline so that the entire content is visible. If the video is very short, you can extend the time from the adjustment menu or by dragging the blue indicator to the frame where it ends.

If you don't see the timeline on your screen, activate the menu from Window – Timeline.

Extra TIP - Work with Short Videos.

While you can work with longer videos, I suggest starting with short videos, as this will prevent the program's performance from being affected. In my experience, Clip Studio Paint is well optimized, so you shouldn't have any major problems.

While you can work with longer videos, I suggest starting with short videos, as this will prevent the program's performance from being affected. In my experience, Clip Studio Paint is well optimized, so you shouldn't have any major problems.

Step 3: Start Animating

Now comes the fun part: animating! Create an animation folder for each element you want to animate. This will help you keep everything organized and make corrections easier.

A good example is doodles. Play the video and see which moments are ideal to add the doodles and emphasize the action. We are going to animate some flashes that go from frame 1 to 24. You can adjust this according to the movement and rhythm of the video. The process I explain here is for a frame by frame animation.

Start with a motion sketch. Use flow lines to simplify the process. Then, select the appropriate cel on the timeline and set the keyframes. Next, turn on onion skinning and add the in-between frames.

Step 4: Review and Adjust the Animation

Play your animation as many times as needed. You can turn on the loop option for easy review. Make sure there are no sudden jumps and that the animation is smooth. Once your animation is fine-tuned, you can add additional details to improve it.

Step 5: Sound and Sync

For more complex animations, you can add sounds. Clip Studio Paint allows you to import audio files, which will help you sync animations with sound and make your video even more engaging. Importing audio is similar to video, just select the audio option.

To import sound, select the audio option when you upload the file, and toggle the audio on or off as needed while you work. I prefer to mute the sound once I've placed it in the right spot, to avoid distractions.

Step 6: Export Your Animation

Once you are happy with the result, export your animation. Go to File – Export Animation – Movie. This will generate a file in mp4 format (1), ideal for sharing on social media and keeping the audio in sync.

You can also export your animation in other formats, such as .gif (2), or if you need a thumbnail or cover for your video, select a frame and export it in jpg. (3)

Animations can add a spectacular touch to your videos. Using Clip Studio Paint, you can transform your recordings into more dynamic and engaging content. Remember that, as with everything in animation, practice is key.

See you in the next post!



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