3 ways to draw concentric circle. You may not know?!
Hi, I am Bebekiki. In this tutorial, I will show you how to draw concentric circles in 3 different ways.
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3 Ways to Draw Concentric Circle
1. Using Grid
The first way is to use grid. Enable the grid on the canvas by selecting View-> Grid.
Select Ellipse Sub-tool under the Figure Tool. Check the Keep Aspect Ratio and the Start from Center checkbox to draw the circles starting from the center.
You may then draw circles starting from the same grid eye. Here they form the concentric circles.
2. Use Align/Distribute
The second way is to use the Align Tool.
Draw some circles of different size on a vector layer using the Ellipse Sub-Tool. Select all the circles using the Object Sub-Tool while the <Shift Key> is pressed.
Select Align Vertical Centers under the Align/Distribute menu to align the selected circles vertically.
Select Align Horizontal Centers under the Align/Distribute menu to align the selected circles horizontally.
The aligned circles form a perfect concentric circles.
3. Using Special Ruler
The third way is to use the Special Ruler.
Select the Concentric Circle in the Special Ruler drop-down box ruler under the Ruler -> Special Ruler Sub-Tool. Check the Keep Aspect Ratio checkbox, click on the layer to create the concentric circle ruler.
You may use any Pen Tool to draw circles along the ruler. They will form the perfect concentric circles.
Bonus Tips : Concentric Ellipse
You may create concentric ellipse ruler by un-checking the Keep Aspect Ratio checkbox. Click and drag the ellipse ruler to your desired shape.
You may use any Pen Tool to draw ellipses along the ruler. They will form the perfect concentric ellipse.
You may also tilt the ruler like the image below.