Animate Zoom In Effect using CSP 2D Camera





Hi, I am Bebekiki. In this tutorial, I will show you how to animate zoom in effect using 2D Camera.

Full Video Tutorial

Zoom In Tutorial

Setup the 2D Camera

Create a 2D camera folder under Animation -> New Animation Layer.

Move the layer that your want to zoom in into the 2D camera folder.

Setup Beginning and Ending Keyframe

Go to the frame that you want to start zoom in effect and change it to a keyframe.

Go to the frame that your want to end the zoom in effect and change it to a keyframe. Click on the keyframe sign, resize the 2D camera frame and drag it to the final location.

Render 2D Camera Setting

In the Playback Settings, enable Render 2D Camera.

Click Play and the zoom in effect will start after the rendering of 2D camera completed.



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