12. Effects (Finishing the Standard Version)




Sword effect

I want to add a glowing effect around the sword, so I duplicate the “sword” folder, right-click the copied folder and select [Merge selected layers].

I move the newly created “sword copy” layer beneath the “sword” folder.


I change the layer name to “sword light effect”, then use the following method to add the base of the effect and blur it.

(1) I turn on [Lock Transparent Pixel] and fill the layer with white.


(2) With the [Layer property] palette > [Border effect], I add a purple border.


(3) I make a new layer and merge it with the “sword light effect” layer.


(4) With the [Filter] menu > [Blur] > [Gaussian blur], I blur the layer, then set the blending mode to [Screen].


This is what my sword light effect looks like.


Next I’ll move onto the rest of the sword effects, starting with the arc of movement.

I draw the shape in white and then cut into it with an eraser.


Then I use the [Brush] tool > [Watercolor] > [Soothing watercolor] to drag out the color and strengthen the feeling of movement.


I want to leave the sharpness of this shape, so I duplicate the layer as “sword effect 2” and add a border effect to the duplicated layer. Next I add a new layer and merge it to combine with the border effect, then blur it.


I use a color correction layer to adjust the color of the border from purple to pink.


I use the [Filter] menu > [Blur] > [Motion blur].


Next I’ll adjust the colors of “sword effect 1” and “sword effect 2”. I edit the colors in a clipped layer, painting with the [Airbrush] tool > [Soft].

The parts that are closer to the light source become whiter, and the parts that are further from the light source become pinker.


The layer looks like this if I unclip it. I tried to make the distant parts stand out less.


Flower petal effect

I’ll add some flower petal effects. For the flower petals, I use the [Decoration] tool > [Flower] > [Cherry petal] brush and a customized version of this brush.




● Custom brush settings


This brush “Cherry petal 2” is a version of the default “Cherry petal” brush with larger petals.


I use the custom brush for the large petals and the default brush for the small petals.


I adjust the shape with the [Edit] menu > [Transform] > [Mesh Transformation].


Just as with the “sword effect” layer, I duplicate the “flower petal effect” layer, add a border effect, then merge it with a blank layer and blur it with the [Filter] menu.


Then I adjust the colors again.


Because the petals are a bold color, the gradient was a little bit hard to see, so I changed the color layer to [Multiply].


To get a more glowy effect, I duplicate my current “flower petal effect” layer and set it to [Glow dodge], and erase the parts far from the sword.


Other effects

● Gold leaf effect


I add a gold leaf effect with this custom brush and set the blending mode to [Hard light].


・ "Trapezoid brush" (台形ブラシ)

You can download this brush from Clip Studio Assets.

Note: You need to register a free Clip Studio account to download materials.




● Wind effect


I paint the wind effect with the [Brush] tool > [Watercolor] > [Opaque watercolor] in white, then refine the shape with the [Brush] Tool > [Watercolor] > [Soothing watercolor].


I decided it would look better with a bit of color, so I turn on [Lock Transparent Pixel] and paint over it in a yellow-green.


Other adjustments

I make some last adjustments once I’m done adding the effects.

・ Reduced the amount of effects with an eraser tool

・ Made the sword light effect stronger

・ Increased contrast on the horse layers, as I had forgotten earlier

・ Increased contrast of the sword and slightly adjust the color

・ Increased opacity of the dust

・ Adjusted the character glow


I also added new layers “glow 3” and “color adjustments 2” in the “color adjustments” folder and adjusted the overall colors.


Now I’ve finished the standard character illustration. What do you think?



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