Profile side tip (anime edition)
Heyy,today i’m drawing profile side
U can watch my video to see how I draw it + the full information, hope u like it,and support me if it’s a helpful for you,and hope to understand my way of explaining ahaha
To draw profile rightly just must to follow some rules:
act them boldly I didn’t invent them :D
* Ears 👂 mentally touches the end of the eyes 👁 by line
* Head is more elliptical than round
* The hair is at a distance of one or two fingers above the head
* The pupil (black of the eye) isn’t of the top of the iris, it’s surrounded by the iris and it’s on the centre, that is, at the top from where we look sits the iris from the profile side
*T he hair is laying with triangle in front of the ears with 2-3 fingers distance it’s continue slightly to the side and up the forehead in this way can orient the direction of the hair
The jawline is at an obtuse angle, it doesn't go straight up, otherwise it will look like it's not there
* Can start with circle(elliptical- slightly wider circle),but for me personally it’s more easy with a rectangle from which I pull the jawline and chin,then I put the shapes of the nose with a tangent, I broke into simple shapes other parts of the face,that’s how I make it,then remake it if I don’t like something