How to paint hair (with only basic CSP brushes)




today we will be learning how to paint hair.


the tools that i am using are dark pencil, g-pen, soft spray,and smooth watercolor they are all already pre-installed into clipstudio.


to start, some may want to sketch out what they want first, like below, and others just start out with one block of color.

after youve got your hair blocked and have decided your lightsource, soft spray a darker shade of the hair on areas that arent near the lightsource,


and after that, start blocking in chunkc of the hair

after that, have lines start to come into different areas of the hair (strands of light come into dark- strands of dark come into light)

repeat this, and make sure to have a couple strands sticking out so it doesnt look like a sold block of playdoe.



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