how to learn to draw flowers

1 859



To start with learning to draw anything you need a good references. Pictures are the best reference and if you want to share I recommend getting them from a stock picture site I recommend pexels sinds it's free I have even uploaded some of my own pictures there.

Oh and it's not really important for this but If you want to use the same brushes here you go


I'm gonna start of with the hibiscus sinds it's a relatively easy flower to start of with


A good first practice is to roughly trace over one of them to see the shapes the flower exists of tho this a lot easier to see with flowers


So hibiscus flowers exist of 5 teardrop shapes each one overlapping the next.

Let's start with a simple drawing next to the picture.

Start of by drawing a dot as anchor point.

Then one a new layer draw one Petal and duplicate it.

Transform the Petal and move the anchor point to the dot and rotate it till it only overlaps a little bit.

Repeat this for all 5 petals.

Now erase one side of each petal that overlaps.


And lastly to complete it ad a short line in the middle with 5 dots at the end each individually connected to the first one.

Now to practise grab a picture and draw a copy of it next to it you can of course make it as realistic as you want or try to adapt it in your own style.



For time sake I'm gonna skip the previous first step.

So a lily exists out 6 long skinny teardrops that end with both sides ending in a pointed shape.


Do the same thing as with the hibiscus but this time do only 3 in a triangle shape and then duplicate those 3 and offset it like so and erase where they overlap with the previous 3

Now ad 6 oval like shapes and connect them to the middle with lines and in the middle ad a triangle made out of dots.


Now draw a copy next to an image again. I used 2 triangles as a guide and I'm sorry I realised what it looked like when I added the second triangle.

after word

I planned to also add water lilies in here but got kind of to tired and felt a bit cramped for time.

if you want to see more of my work consider checking out the links below



i noticed that my video didn't had the audio of the voice over so i fixed it



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