How to fully draw a cute fawn




Hi everyone! In this tutorial I will show you how to create a cute fawn from scratches!

Everyone can do it since I start from the very skeleton .

So let's get started!





Skeleton and basic shapes

First of all, let's divide our fawn in different sections:

-Head + ears


-Body (chest and behind)

-Legs + clogs

As it's shown in the picture, you can divide your crature in simple forms as such as circles and tubes. I often use big circles for softer forms, as such as the head and the body.

I use smaller circles to identifie where the joints of the bones are.

It makes it easier to attach the different body parts.

Remember that during this process you're settling down the skeleton and the basic pose

together with the shape of the creature. Don't be afraid to make mistakes!


Starting to draw your fawn

Now that we have the basic skeleton settled in, make it lighter than before using your rubber.

You can also create a new "lineart" layer and draw on top of it if you prefere! It's the same.


The important is that:

We can see our skeleton slightly and we're ready to draw on it.


Follow the shapes and start to make out the different parts of the fawn in a more definite way.

Use a reference if you need it, it's important and it makes you understand the anatomy of the animal a lot better than without any picture.

Use soft forms to define the different sections of the body, and feel free to adjust the skeleton shape to your linking: for example , I raised the left leg in the side version of the fawn.

Break the hard shapes into something easier to draw!

For example, the ears look like a leaf, don't they?


Take your time to understand and place the different body parts where you want them to be.

Adding details and cleaning the piece

Now that we created the simple shape of the body, it's time to add details.

First of all, let's clean the sketch to leave a soft line that's not too busy with useless lines.

If you want to lineart your piece, feel free to do it!

Remember that every cute animal with respect, has big and round eyes. That's a simple

key to create something cute!

Adding colors to your piece

When I start to color, I usually create a new , clean layer UNDERNEATH the lineart/base sketch layer, so that it won't touch it whatsoever. But you can use the layers the way they please you the most. There are no specif rules on how to add flat colors to a piece.

Starting with a base color of your liking, we are going to work on how to add the fur typical coloring to our cute fawn. I used a soft brush, but you can use whatever you want.

I'll suggest using a watercolor brush to achieve something similar to my piece, where you can easily blend shapes and tones without having to change many colors.


Adding the darker shade is rather easy; I personally used a fawn photo to help myself understand were the coat changed colors. Following that, I colored as shown in the picture.

Don't be afraid to use too much or too little colors, you have all the time in the world to change whatever you want!


Now that we have the basic colors on our fawn, let's add details! It was rather fun for me to make all those cute white dots on the back of it. I used an even darker shade on the ears, back, and legs to add details and depth to the piece. When I was satisfied with what I got, I started to add white fur and dots! Try and make your unique pattern out of them.

Now repeat the process with other fawn poses!

Using the same technique, you can color every pose of your liking!

I kept the palette for you to use it!

Adding details to the lineart/base lines

Now, let's block the later "pixels" to create a softer effect.

After blocking the layer, we are going to choose a lighter color to match the lighter parts, and so on.

As you can see, it creates a super soft effect, almost as you could touch the fur!

Feel free to play with colors as much as you want and experiment until you have

something you're satisfied with.

Adding fur details

Now that we are satisfied with the colors of our lineart, we can start adding fur and details.

I united the two layers (the color layer and the lineart layer) to unify them and work on a single layer.

Using a soft brush, as the water ones, start to create soft strands of fur.

I slowly almost merged the lines with the rest of the body to create this soft effect!

Add as much fur as you want, it's never enough!

Color details and effects

When you're satisfied with your fur baby, you can start enhance the colors of the piece.

This process is very simple: create an overly layer and play with colors to create a more vibrant piece. It will look more cute and alive.

You can either skip this step or get crazy with colors!


I personally used:

-An orange shade on the body;

-A red shade to create a soft "red cheek" effect under the eyes and on the nose.

-a dark shade on eyes and clogs,

-a lighter cream color to enhance the lighter fur.

Final details!

Using an "Add glow" layer I created details in the eyes, on the nose and inside the soft cream color of the fur, to enhance the lines and the creature itself.

You can get crazy with the process and add as many details and sparkles as you want! There's no "wrong" amount of sparkling , expecially when it comes to cute creatures.

As you can see from the eye example, it makes a big difference and makes the animal look more alive.


We're done!

Congrats on arriving to this point.

I'm sure your fawn is as cute as ever!


