Creating decoration brushes and tips how to use them




Ill show you how to create decoration brushes and for example ,Ill show you how I use them in my art projects.

So, let`s begin .

Registering the material

At first ,as you could see ,when creating a new illustration file is important to choose the rezolution to be 300 DPI and the basic expression color to be gray.I dont have any problems with the white color of the paper,but if its difficult to you,of course you can change it.

As you seen my canvas was 2000 * 2000 px ,because Ive wanted to be large enough.So,when Im ready with painting the element for the brush,I`m going to "Edit-Change Canvas Size".We need only the element.

1.Go to "Edit-Register Material-Image"

2.It pops up this property bar.I`m filling in the Material name (which is Lace in my case) ; Material settings for brush - I choose "Use for brush tip shape"; Location to save material - "Image material-Brush"; Search tag - you could write everything that you want here for quick finding the image later.

Creating the brush

1.Go to "Sub Tool (Brush) - Settings of sub tool group-Create custom sub tool "

2.It pops up "Create custom sub tool",which we have to fill up.

Settings for creating lace brush with Ribbon repeat method

1.We are going to - "Brush tip - Material"and we are adding our picture (from where I put a circle).Next- we are writting our search tag name and when we see the image ,click on it and click "OK".

From the brush tip we could change the thickness,direction of applying(it can be horizontal or vertical),brush density and the angle.

2.In this case I`m going to "Stroke"and selecting "Ribbon",also and Repeat method.

Just for example I`m showing you what to do if your image is not in the right direction.We have to go back to "Brush tip- Angle",because it changes the rotation angle of brush tip.

1.As you see if you click in this box,it`s showing you this eye icon.It is for choosing which brush options do you want to be visible in the brush tool property.

2.For my Lace brush (left side),I`m choosing watercolor edge and a little bit more darkness with not so much oppacity(right side),to be more gentle.

3.My brush is ready.

Settings for creating leaves brush with Gap interval

1.The best way to use Gap in this case is to choose "Fixed"option,because the other options will blur our element in the ribbon and it will not be clearly visible at all.

2.You could see in 1 and 2 several different variants of the repeating method.

3.My brush is ready,but it`s only with left sided leaf...

4.Ive already registered the same image of the leaf ,but flipped to the right side.Im adding it to the brush,because we want some balance.And now it`s ready.

Using starting and ending mode and adding texture to the brush

For quick example -when Im coloring the balloon,Im choosing "Auto select"by the Tool bar ,then clicking inside and when it starts to blink,Im filling it with a gradient .It doesnt give it any color ,exept gray ,because our canvas properties,but it gives the balloon a good depth,the light shadows make it more realistic.

1.Go to "Anti-aliasing"and change it .As you seen the difference between the balloon ,which is up (without the effect) and the balloon down(with the effect).I choose medium.As it said there in the information - "By using anti-aliasing ,it makes jaggies less noticeable and outline smoother."

2.We could use also spraying effect ,but with a larger particle size if the images are too small and clustered and do not appear well.

Go to "Texture"and choose whatever you like for your brush.You cal also change the texture density,but I gave it to 100%.You have another options bellow,but this is the main way,everything else is optional.

Starting and ending

1.I`m showing you how the brush looks like,when the starting is on 20 on the scale ,but the ending is up to 5000.

2.I`m showing you how the brush looks like,when the starting and the ending are up to 5000.


*The default options about starting and ending are 20 by 20 if you don`t want them to show up in your brush.

Using the brushes in my art

I`m showing you different options for using the brushes I showed you- as an illustrations and with printed small illustrations ,which I use for making greeting cards.


