


Hello friends <3, in this tutorial I will show you my tips on how to make a lineart, clean and defined in an easy and simple way, along with this I will give you tips on hand movements, which will further facilitate the task of making a nice lineart

1. Canvas creation

First of all, we need to create a canvas of a suitable size and resolution, my recommendation is to at least work on a canvas of the following dimensions: 2000 pixels by 2000 pixels with a resolution of 300 dpi, this helps your drawing look well by uploading it to social networks and they can also print it and it will still look good.

2. The sketch

In this section the most important advice is to make a sketch with all possible details, this will facilitate your task when making the lineart, you can make the different elements in different colors to have a clearer reference when doing the inking, in this example use only 2 colors, one for the base figure and the other for the clothing and details.

The next step: once the sketch is finished, place it at 25% opacity

3. The right brush

There are many options of brushes to make a lineart, this is the one that I use to create the drawing, if you are looking for a detailed finish the suggestion is to use a thin brush and make use of the stabilization that in my case I manage between 20% and 30% for a smoother line effect

4. The lineart

To start the linear you need to create a layer above the sketch layer, my recommendation is to create elements of the lineart in different layers, in this example use layer 1 for the face, layer 2 for the body and layer 3 for the bottom.

A very important recommendation is when making the drawing lines; Many times a shaky line is made or in a non-continuous way, this makes the finish of the lineart not look attractive, the way to avoid it is to make "loose" lines by this I mean that in the same line quickly finish a defined area of inking, with this technique and with the help of Ctrl + Z your lineart will look cleaner.

Recommendation: practice this technique for the ease of the hand, this will make the inking process less long or difficult over time.

5. Take your time

A clean and aesthetic lineart is often not the fastest (although with time and practice it becomes an easier task), sometimes we wonder why my lineart did not fit better than the sketch? The answer most of the time is that we rush to obtain a quick result and this at the end leaves us with a drawing that does not meet our expectations, so do not despair, take your time and make a lineart that when you finish it you will be satisfied with the.

6. YouTube and networks

Thank you very much for reading <3!

I leave you my YouTube channel, in the I upload digital drawing every week: DibujosdeChris?sub_confirmation=1

Also my Instagram where I am very active:


Tutorial made with love

Atte: Chris




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