Filter Processing Guide: Five Steps for Japanese Color Toning Special Effects





⚐ ˒˒Hello, thank you for clicking on this tutorial!

This is my first article published on CSP,

Next, I will introduce to you how to make the Japanese tone and halo combination filter processing in the cover picture🪄


This article will directly teach the operation.

I hope that people who are new to the filter function can follow the instructions and complete it step by step!


First, you need to prepare an illustration to be processed:

Usually I choose to add this effect to illustrations with a bright atmosphere.

Because the filter will only produce changes on the selected single layer, please integrate the people, objects, or the entire illustration you want to process into one layer.

^For better understanding and presentation, this time I chose to merge the entire illustration into one layer as the base map.


𖡡It is recommended to save a new file to retain the original information before proceeding with subsequent operations.

(Shortcut key *Ctrl+Shift+S*: Hold down Ctrl and Shlft and press S at the same time/use the "Save as new file" function in the "File" toolbar above)

𖡡The shortcut key to combine display layers is *Ctrl+Shift+E*/use the "Combine Display Layers" function in the "Layer" toolbar above.

【✧ Step 1】Copy the layer

The shortcut key for Copy and Paste is to select the layer and hold down Ctrl while pressing C (*Ctrl+C: Copy*) and then press V (*Ctrl+ V : Paste *)

The system will automatically copy the same layer above and name it "Copy of OO (original layer name)".

𖡡There are also other ways to copy layers, such as:

①Click and hold the layer and drag it to the new dot matrix layer icon and release it

②Use the "Copy Layer" function in the "Layer" toolbar above

All can achieve the same result, and it is provided for everyone to try.

【✧ Step 2】Apply filter

Next we will apply the filter to the copied layer.

Please find the "Gaussian Blur" function in "Blur" in the "Filter" toolbar above and click to use it.

After clicking, you will see a window like this:

Click to the right and select the blur range. The larger the number, the blurr the picture will be, and the range of the final halo effect will also expand.

𖡡As long as the preview button on the lower right remains checked, you can instantly see the effect of the filter.

Usually the value I use is between 60 and 90. The value I used this time is 75.

But in fact, you can adjust it according to the desired feeling, and it can be blurred until there are no obvious lines in the picture.

【✧ Step 3】Adjust blending mode

Next, we adjust the blending mode of the blur layer.

After clicking on the red box in the picture, pull down the menu and change it from "Normal" to "Soft Light".

.˚‧⁺ ⊹꙳\\Halo effect completed//꙳‧⁺ ⊹˚.

☄ Effect comparison:

【✧ Step 4】Copy the layer again

A new full illustration layer is then needed in preparation for the overall tonal process.

Here we can reuse the blur layer that has just been applied with the filter and copy it using the same method as step 1.

The system's automatic name will name it "Copy 2 of (original name)".

【✧ Step 5】Change the layer’s blending mode again

At this time, the number of layers will be increased to three. If there is no special adjustment, the order will be:

A. Fuzzy copy

B. Blur the original layer

C. Original layer before processing

Then change the blending mode of the top A layer to "Add" and reduce the layer transparency on the right

The recommended transparency value is between 20~60, and the value in this example is 35.

˚‧⁺ ⊹꙳\\Tone filter is also completed //꙳‧⁺ ⊹˚.

𖡡Even if the effect of brightening the screen is also achieved:

Compared with directly increasing the brightness in the illustration itself using hue compensation (shortcut key Ctrl+U) (left picture)<

>Using the blur layer filter method (picture on the right) can more intuitively present a natural and soft brightening effect.

☄ Final effect comparison:

After the adjustment is completed, the production including all the effects of tone halo is completed~‧⁺ ⊹˚.

If you are satisfied with this set of processing results, you can also use the recording function to record commonly used setting values and steps, log in to automatic actions, and the steps can even be directly reduced to one button!


𖡡For detailed recording methods, please refer to CSP’s official automatic action tutorial:


above! Thank you for your patience in reading this article till the endദ്ദി・◡・)࣪⊹

I hope this tutorial can be helpful to you. If you have any related questions or suggestions, please leave a message!

I wish you also have a happy day~

𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖ ⋆ ࣪. ˖ ࣪⭑ ˖ ࣪ ٬𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖ ⋆ ࣪. ˖ ࣪⭑ ˖ ࣪ ٬



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