[Color History] palette

3 286



The next palette is the [Color History] palette. This one is very straightforward.

To access the palette :

In the upper part of your screen, go to [Window] -> [Color History].



Or, if you have the default workspace, you can find it in the lower left corner.

The [Color History] saves the history of your previously-used colors. By clicking on the color tile, you can select the color again.

Color History

Remark : [Color History] is saved even after you close ClipStudioPaint. Next time you open the app, you will be able to access the colors from the previous session !

You can clear the color history by clicking at the upper left corner and selecting "Clear color history".



Registering the colors as a Color Set

You can create a color set from the colors you used. Go to the palette menu and select [Register to color set palette] . After that, you will be able to open the color set in the [Color Set] palette.

Change the size of the color tiles

Just like in [Color Set] palette, you can change the way the tiles are displayed in the [Color History] palette.

Go to the palette menu -> View

When you change the size (ex. medium, large), the tile size will remain constant no matter the palette size.

When you change the number of times per row (8, 16, 24), the tile size will be adjusted as the palette width changes.



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