Using Clip's Default Tools for Beautiful Flowers
Hi, in this tutorial, you will learn how to use an official asset from Clip Studio Paint and other tools to your advantage to create a beautiful work of art. This tutorial is for experienced graphic designers, illustrators, and users of Clip Studio Paint.
We will be using a default asset from Clip’s official profile.
Check it out here!
Here is an article on how you can import assets into Clip Studio Paint.
Beginning the project
First, make a painting that you want to add flowers to.
Mine is of an angelic bunny that will have flowers on her head and lives in a field of flowers.
Tips For Project Organization
As a tip, start by creating group layers for new elements of your work and new layers inside of them. Be sure to name your group layers and layers.
For example, if it is a sketch drawing, name the layer “Sketch”.
Second, go to “Window”, “Material”, then “Material:Download” and drag in the “Fluffy Flower_Stamp” material from Clip Studio Paint’s official assets. Adjust the image to your liking for your character.
Next, for your scene, create a perspective ruler. This will be used to add more flowers throughout your work!
Here are tips on how to use the perspective rulers. Choose one of them for your liking.
Once done, select the leaves brush from the default tools in Clip Studio Paint. You can find it under the “Decoration brush (B)” or “Sub Tool: Decoration”
Once done, choose a color, and add leaves to your image in its perspective. The leaves will represent the flowers in your painting.
I later adjusted my flowers to match the ones on the bunny’s head.
Take your new flowers layer and duplicate it to create depth. Go to Filter, Blur, and choose a blurring option for them.
Move the layer up a little for a three-dimensional effect, then lower the opacity of the new layer to your liking.
Next, duplicate the first flower layer and move it to the top of the blurred flower layer.
This new layer will be used for your flower’s shadows.
Adjust the “flower’s shadows” layer mode to a darker one and the colors to fit your environment. Lower the layer’s opacity.
Move the shadows layer down to create a 3D effect. (lighter leaves should show at the top, darker ones at the bottom).
Next, create a new layer at the top of all the other layers. This will be used to add more flowers to the scene.
Use the same leaves brush, draw them in perspective, and make the colors darker than the other flowers in the background.
Once done, add a new layer on top for some lighter flowers. Blur the layer to create more depth. Adjust the color and opacity.
Duplicate the new flower layer and choose a darker layer mode. This will be used for added shadow in the foreground of your image. Use the transform tool and adjust the shadows to your liking.
This is what my painting looks like so far. At this point, take a break and come back to look at your painting.
Add additional details and then you are done!