Fashion tips: Seams, Style and Colors




Fashion, style, colors are important, when you think about your character. It gives life to

your character and it helps others to understand more about your original character.


Before starting to draw your character, you want to know what style he or she would like

and what you want to say about them using clothes. Does she/he likes cute style,

minimalistic clothes? Maybe she would like to see herself in glamor fashion with a long

dress? Or maybe she likes goth style and likes to mix it with some cute accessories?


Even if you don't know a lot about fashion and style, it's ok, because you can draw what

you like or even put your character in your own outfit which you are wearing now.


But before thinking about your character outfit, you need to know how clothes are made.

When seamstress makes clothes, she cuts fabric in certain details and later, she will

sew them together.

Because of that, when you draw clothes on your character, don't forget to add seam lines,

where clothes parts was sewed together. It will make your drawn clothes look more


When you start to draw your character clothes, you can play with blouse/shirt neck depth

and form. You can change sleeves length and width, add some ruffles. Also, you can do that

to pants, shorts and skirts.

Now you know, that you can modify clothes however you want. Before creating your

character outfit, you need to think about their hair and accessories. Hair and

accessories are important when you think about whole look. They give more personality to

your character and they can tell more about what your original character is, what they like

and maybe hate.


To make it easier, you can write some key words, which would describe your character style

characteristics, hobbies.

As an example, I will create clothes for 3 original characters.


1 st character key words are: cute, fluffy, simple and likes cats.

2 nd character key words are: glamor, diamonds/glitter and feathers.

3 rd character key words are: warm, simple, hearts and leather.

When I start to give colors to my characters, I think about their personality, what

they would like.

I plan my character color palette before coloring it. Sometimes, even after I know what

colors I use, I will change them in the process.

To change colors, I use File>Tonal Correction>Hue/Saturation/Luminosity. Because of this,

I put every color in different Layer. It will be easier to change only one color like this.

If you are not sure about your color choices, you always can use references

or already made color palettes. It will be easier for you to decide which colors to use.


Here are some examples, how I choose colors.

As you can see, I like to mix analogous, complementary and triad colors. For some contrast,

I use any color, which suits.

Also, I use pastel and bold colors, because I like to experiment and see, if they look great


You always can add black, white and gray colors, because they look good with all colors.

Finally, you have character with great outfit and color choices. Now you can create more

amazing characters whose clothes say a lot about them.

That's all. Have fun creating fashion~


