Let’s Make a Chibi in CSP!
Welcome to this Tutorial! You can create a Chibi with powerful tools of Clip Studio Paint.
You only need Clip Studio Paint and a bit of patience!
Let's go!
First Step
Prepare everything you need before drawing
File---> New--->
Create New File with these Settings
Click in the Right Tabs
Material [Character]---> Drag and Drop in the Page the School Girl
Material [Body Type]---> Drag and Drop in the Page the 3D Female Figure
Tool Property [Object]---> Head to body ratio: 3.5
Let's place the 3D Female Figure with the controls
Material [Pose]---> An Standing
Drag and Drop above both models
Operation---> Object---> Select the 3D Female Figure and edit the pose
Clip Studio Paint allows you to modify any part
Tool Property [Object]---->You can easily change the pose of fingers
Register Full Body pose as Material--->
Choose Name and Location
Drag and Drop the New Material in the School Girl
Line Art (Part 1)
Now let's start drawing
Set Layer Opacity to 50%
Create New Vector Layer
Figure---> Sub Tool [Figure]
Use these tools for create Line Art (Brush Size: 20)
Figure---> Sub Tool [Figure]---> Ellipse
Create a circle (holding Shift)
Place it with Operation Object (or Holding Ctrl)
Figure---> Sub Tool [Figure]---> Continuous Curve
Make the lower part of head
The green and yellow dots are the Control Points of Vector Layer, You can move them wherever You want with Operation---> Object
Eraser---> Rough---> use these settings: just one click in the line to delete a segment
Figure--->Sub Tool [Figure]--->Curve
Draw the hair (click and hold, release, set the curvature)
Delete with the Eraser the unnecessary lines
Selection---> Rectangle
Select all lines
Scale Up/Scale Down/Rotate---> Adjust the position (look the chin)
With Continuous Curve, above the School Girl Model, trace the outline of the dress
Move and Scale approximately
Delete with the Eraser the unnecessary lines
Do the same for both arms
Do the same for shoes and skirt
With Continuous Curve, trace the legs above the 3D Figure Female
For the socks, add two simple curves
Great! The First Part of Line Art is complete
Line Art (Part 2)
Now draw the details of Line Art
Create New Vector Layer
With Operation---> Object, Select the 3D Model Layer and hide the 3D Female Figure
Select the "lineartdett" Layer
Curve---> Sub Tool Detail---> Starting and Ending
Use these Settings
Trace the Eyes and adjust the position
Use the Ellipse for iris and Curve for mouth and eyelashes
Use again the Curve command for Eyebrows and other details
With Curve, add more details in the hair
For the Ribbon, trace it in the School Girl Model
Use Ellipse to make the cloth buttons
Use Continuous Curve for details in the skirt, legs and shoes
Well done , the Line Art is complete
Colors (Part 1)
It's time to color!
Set this Layer Opacity to 100%
Color Set--->Edit Color Set---> Add New Settings
Choose a name for this Set
Eyedropper---> Obtain display color
Click above the skin of School Girl
Click Add Color
Repeat these Steps for all parts (hair, eyes, skirt, etc...)
This is useful to pick the colors quickly for the next steps
New Raster Layer "color" here
In the "lineart" Layer, click on “Set as Reference Layer”
To make easier coloring let's change the Color of layer "Paper" with a softer one
This step is useful to avoid tiring your eyes
Select the "color" Level
Fill---> Refer only to editing layer
Tool Property---> Multiple Referring---> Reference Layer
Choose the color in the Chibi Set and fill all parts of drawing based on the Reference Layer
Tool Property---> Multiple Referring---> All Layer
Now Fill the details of dress and face
Correct imperfections and color the Eyes with Continuous Curve
Choose the "Create Fill" in Tool Property
Fill the iris
You have done the basic colors!
Colors (Part 2)
Let's make Shadows and Lights
New Raster Layer---> Blending Mode Multiply
This is the Layer for Shadows
Select the "color" Level
Selection Area---> Select Color Gamut
Click above the skin
Now you have the selection of this part
Click this button for hide the border of selection
(the selection still exists, but it is hidden)
Optional Tip: Use "Convert to Selection Layer" to save the selection
Hide this Layer and double click to retrieve the selection
This is useful to stock multiple selections
Choose this color for the shadow of skin
Click in the Multiply Layer
To make shadows let's use Continuous Curve (Create Fill) and create a closed shape
To cancel the selection use this command: Selection Area---> Deselect
Repeat the procedure for all shadows (Selection Area, Choose the Color, etc...)
For each part, use the color of Chibi Set
New Raster Layer---> Blending Mode Add Glow
This is the Layer for Lights
Select the area of hair
Select the color of hair in Chibi Set
Airbrush---> Soft
Two click on each side for Light Effect
With Continuous Curve make other Light Effects
Now make lights and shadow of the Eyes
Airbrush---> Soft
In the Add Glow Layer make the Lights
In the Multiply Layer make the Shadows
Use few clicks of mouse
You must use the "Selection Area---> Select Color Gamut" for all parts before coloring
New Raster Layer---> Blending Mode Add Glow
Put This Layer in the bottom
This is for special light effects of Eyes using white color
Figure---> Ellipse
Make the pupil
Whit Airbrush create these tiny light effects
Decoration---> Effect---> Sparkle A for nice effect in the iris
For Blush Effect in the cheeks:
New Raster Layer---> Set Opacity of 25%
Select the red color
Airbrush---> Soft
Just a few clicks in the cheeks
Return in the Add Glow Level here
With Airbrush make other Light Effects in the dress and the skin
Change the Color of Paper
Good job!!! Now you have created your Chibi School Girl!!!
Final Step
Make the Chibi School Boy based on School Boy 3D Model with the same steps
Just use these tips:
Head to Body Ratio: 4.0
Draw a pronounced chin
For the legs: trace only lower part
Use thick lines for the Eyes
In the iris, use a blue color for the Light and add Decoration (Star B)
Complete the Chibi School Boy
File---> Save as...
Save the two Chibi in .png Format (hide the Paper Layer before saving)
Create New File and Import the png files
Material [Color Pattern]---> Drag and Drop Hallway 01_evening
Adjust the position of Characters
To make sunset effect in the Characters, we add an orange layer
Right Click in Chibi Layer---> Selection From Layer---> Create Selection
Right Click in other Chibi Layer---> Selection From Layer---> Add Selection
New Raster Layer---> Blending Mode Color---> Set Opacity 25%
Choose an orange color
Fill---> Tool Property
Uncheck "Follow adjacent pixel" and "Multiple Referring"
Click above one Chibi Character for fill the selcted area
Now make the Shadows of Characters in the floor
Right Click in the Layer Colors and duplicate it
Put the duplicate Layer above Hallway Layer
Choose the black color
Edit---> Change color of line to drawing
Now all the Layer is black
Selection---> Rectangle
Select the Chibi School Girl
Edit---> Transform---> Free Transform
Tilt the shadow like this
Repeat the step for the shadow of Chibi School Boy
For better effect of shadows use this command
Filter---> Blur---> Gaussian blur...
Congrats, you completed this Tutorial!
I hope you had fun!
Try poses, colors, background, etc...
Start the endless fun of creating Chibi Characters with Clip Studio Paint!