Flowers: How to do flowers for bouquets






On this tutorial I will show you how to draw flowers and bunches.


This tutorial starts by understanding how to draw some of the most common flowers and how to put up our bunches.

Flowers for bunches

A boy with red anemones



(1) For the rose start drawing a ball. The petals of roses vary depending the rose, but in this case they will be the heart shape. (2) Begin drawing petals wrapping the ball and as it is covered we open them. (3) Bumpy hills. (4) Continue filling our rose with petals following its shape. (5) Add the final details and our rose is finish.

(1) Set a base colour. (2) With G-pen paint the shadows, blur it with Smooth Watercolor. (3) Add the light.



(4) Under the light and shadow layer, using Opaque Watercolor, paint with a dark tone to reinforce the shadow. (5) With G pen we strengthen the shadows. (6) Create a new layer over the LineArt and change its properties to Hard Light. Now we can paint the lines to the colour that we are looking for. Remember not to paint it with extrmely light colours, since we would lose the contours of our flower.



(1) Start drawing a circle. (2) Draw petals of an anemone, they are a little longer and oval compared to roses. (3) Continue adding more petals. (4) Like the rose, add bumpy hills. (5) Proceed by drawing the center, is like feathery hairs attached to them.

(1) Set a base colour. (2) Paint the shadows with Opaque Watercolour. (3) With Opaque Watercolour paint the bright petals.

(4) With G pen we strengthen the shadows. (5) For the center of our anemone, use a darker colour and mix it lightly with Smooth Watercolor. (6) Like the rose create a new layer over the LineArt and change its properties to Hard Light.

Madonna Lily


(1) Draw a cone. (2) Lily petals are long and when the flower opens they roll back. (3) Let's keep drawing petals filling our cone. (4) Lily full of petals. (5) Add the stamen and the pistil, because their are long, they pop out of the flower.

(1) Set a base colour. (2) With Opaque Watercolour paint the shadow parts. (3) Now we paint the bright parts.

(4) With G-Pen emphasize the darkest parts. (5) Paint the stamen and the pistil. (6) In this case, I just paint some of the lines white.


Rose Bouquet

For a realistic and pleasent bunch of flower, draw them in different angles, as different flowering periods. Don´t forget the stems. They will follow the direction of the flower.

Lets see how to form a bouquet.


(1) Flowers like the peony or roses look better when they are placed together, and not separeted. (2) For lilys put some alone and others in group. Also use different moments of blooming.

(3) For the reminding spaces, you could draw more of the same flowers or small flowers like Hydrangeas. (4) Draw some leaves with the flowers and stems at the back of the bouquet.

A man in sorrow.

Bouquet with Flower Brushes

To do a beautiful bouquet with flower brushes, put each flower in a different layer. Doing that, it will ease the procces of compostition of our bunch of flower.

As for flowers which come with stems, to make them look like they are grabed, we will use a filter.

Go to Filter > Distort > Pinch.

Place de red mark where you want to grab the flowers. Change the stranght betwenn 10 and 15 for a realistic and subtle result.

As you can see, the flowers didn't lost their shape and look grabed.

Examples of bunches affected by the filter.

I hope this tutorial has been useful, to draw flowers and to make bunches with them.


See you soon.


