Drawing Chibi Characters in CSP





A chibi style character is a character that has been simplified and whose proportions have been distorted to fit a head height between 2-3 heads tall (as opposed to a 7-8 head height for an adult character of 'normal' proportions). The distortion of the propoortions gives the characters a cute, almost childlike appearance. This effect is really evident in characters with a 2 head height, where the proportions have been distorted to the most extreme. Chibi characters with a head height of 3 are a bit closer to standard proportions, and still have the cute look, without looking quite as childlike.


For this tutorial, we will focus on chibi characters that are 2 heads tall.

An easy way to proportion a 2 head tall chibi, is to divide each head height in half.

The top half of the first head will be your character's forehead. The bottom half of the first head is where all the facial features fit. Dividing the top half of the first head in half again, will give you the location of the hairline. Dividing the bottom half of the first head, the eyes take up the top quarter, and the cheeks, mouth, and nose (if they have one) take up the bottom quarter.

The top half of the second head is the upper body of your character, and the bottom half is the lower body. Dividing the upper half again will give you the location of the elbows, and dividing the bottom half again will give you the location of the knees.

I like this method because it keeps things fairly simple: Divide each head in half, and divide each half in half again. Of course, there are many other ways of doing this, and you can make adjustments to suit your preferences. Experiment until you find what style you like.

Drawing the head

We will be drawing a 3/4 view.

Use Figure>Ellipse to draw a circle (shown in red), then divide the circle in half vertically and horizontally, then divide the lower half again (shown in yellow). Draw in boxes for the location of the eyes, the contour for the cheek and chin, and the ear (shown in blue).

Add a new layer, and ink over all the lines you would like to keep from your under drawing, and then complete the face as you like. Remember to keep your shapes rounded, and simplify your details.

Drawing the body

An easy way to get your 2 head height proportion, is to select your under drawing layer, and duplicate it. Then, simply slide the duplicated layer into position beneath the completed head drawing. Mark a guide line at the base of the second head to mark your character's heel line, and at the center of the second head to mark the character's center. Once these lines are marked, you can erase the second head if you like.

Now, draw a pear shape for your character body (shown in red). The bottom of the pear shape should come to, or slightly below, the center line. Divide the upper and lower halves to find the location of the knees and elbows. Draw simple, rounded shapes to complete your figure.

Then, as before, open a new layer and ink over all the lines from your under drawing you would like to keep. Also, make any final adjustments to the figure before drawing any clothes.


Add a new layer and draw an outfit for your character. This, of course, can be done any way you like. be sure to extend the lines of your clothing past your body line. Doing this ensures your character looks like they are actually wearing something, rather than everything looking painted on. Also, make sure the clothes follow the contours of the body. This will keep them from looking flat.

Tip: An easy way to make a lineless look is to use a clipping layer over your lines to change the color. This way, if you decided you don't like it, or if you want to change it, your original lines are untouched.

Now all that's left is to color your image however you like, and it's done! A new chibi has come into the world! I hope you found this tutorial helpful, and will create some cute chibi characters of your own!



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