Turn yours works in a vintage pop art poster




On this occasion and taking advantage of the subject I wanted to show you how to do a technique called torn collage and that I met in the year of 1995 when I got into my hands a cassette with the beatles anthology and that impacted me a lot since its cover used this technique and Now with a clip it is much easier to do so let's see how to do it.

Preparing our main image

We will start by opening the image we want to use for our collage.

We will create a new layer on top of our image and fill it with this color and change the blending mode to "Overlay" and lower the opacity to give it an older and worn-out look.

Next we will add this texture to give it an effect as if we had hand painted our drawing.

And as with the color layer we will change the fusion mode to Overlay and if necessary we will lower the opacity to achieve a uniform effect that we like.

If the image is too dark, we can edit the color that we put in a filter with CTRL + U or we can create a new adjustment layer to adjust the brightness and tone until we have a result that we like.

Now we will add this image material and lower the opacity to give a fracture effect to our work and duplicate this layer and add it in as many parts as we necessary.

Making the torn effect

Now to make the torn effect we will use the Lasso selection and create some shapes on the edges of our image.

This step may take some time and skill to master but it is much faster than using a special brush, you do not despair if you don´t get the first try.

Now we will reduce the size of our image with CTRL + T

We will duplicate the layer of our image and with the shortcut Ctrl + U we will reduce the brightness to -100 until we get a completely black image to make the shadow.

Now we will place this layer below our work image and lower its opacity to 20 percent and place both layers in a new layer folder to have everything organized by groups.

Creating the concrete wall

I will hide our main image and we will create a new layer and in this case I will fill with a color similar to that of my image.

And then I will add this texture to give it the appearance of concrete.

Now we will press shift meanwhile rotating the texture so that it rotates 90 degrees exactly.

Having rotated the texture we will now lower the opacity to 15 percent.

Finishing the details of our main image

We will make our image visible again to compare how it looks with the concrete texture we just created.

Now we are going to duplicate the layer of our image and with Ctrl + U now we are going to raise the Luminosity to +100 for have a white image.

Now we will place this layer below our image and move it a little to the left to make the torn paper edges.

NOTE: For to give more realism we will use the lasso selection again to give these shapes to the paper edge.

Again we will use the selection of lasso to give more details, this time of paper raised on a layer above our image.

While we have this selection active we will create a new layer and with the soft spray we will create a few shadows.

After this we will duplicate our layer and as we did before we will lower the luminosity until everything we have in this layer becomes completely black and we will place it below the layer in which we are working to create the shadows.

Additionally we can blur the shadows using the Gaussian blur filter if we don't want the shadow to look so focused.

Adding more images

Now I am going to add some more images to complement our composition and I will use some images that I create for this purpose (maybe later make a tutorial to learn how to make them)

We will place our images in a new folder below our main image and in this case I will duplicate them so that it looks better visually.

Now with the lasso selection we will create the torn of the images that we just put in our composition.

Now I will create a new layer above the added images and fill in the white selection and it would look something like that.

Now with the same lasso we will add more edges and start cutting part of the layer we just created to give the torn paper finish.

Now we will cut the layer where we have the additional images and after that we will make the internal cuts to give more realism to our work and it should be something like that.

And as we have done before, we will double the layer and lower the brightness to minus 100 and place it in the layer below and after that we will move it to the right to create the shadow of the paper we just created.

Now I will add the djb sticky labels font to give a street name sign effect.

Now I will create a new layer and create a selection with the selection lasso to fill it with white.

Next I will create another layer on top of it and make another selection to fill in black.

And I will lower the opacity to 20 percent to create the shadow of this part.

And almost ready.

Final details

As I did not find a texture that I would like to take, I took this photo to a wet sheet to give an more realistic effect to our image.

Now I will put this texture above all layers and change the blending mode from layer to overlay.

And now I put this texture below my main image but above both the concrete wall and the additional images.

And we will change the layer fusion mode to Overlay again and it is practically ready.

I will add this brick wall image using a layer mask over the white layer next to the street name.

And adjust the color and tone with the Ctrl + U command.

Now in a new layer above all the layers I will fill in a black part with the spray to give more volume.

In another layer I will do the same for the lights using this color in fusion mode Add glow.

And finally it´s ready!!


Normally I could adjust the color temperature using a new correction layer, but in this case I liked the finish so I'm going to leave it that way. Any questions feel free to ask me to try to answer as clearly as possible.



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