How to draw Fluffy and Fat Animals!




Hi everyone! Nice to meet you! Today I want to show you how to draw fluffy and fat animals starting from simple circles! This tutorial is simple and very fast for every beginner! Let's go!

First use your favourite brush to draw some circles! It can be a pencil, a pen, everything you want! You can use your favourite colour too, I have chosen blue 'cause is more fluffy then black!

I have chosen a dog sketch looks like a panda-dog...a pandog?dogda? don't know...

Add some details! I have chosen to draw a curved-waved fur cause is simple and cute! Dogs have a "T" shaped nose, fluffy ears (how many time I said "fluffy"?) with fur inside and big CUTIE ball shaped eyes, because I have chosen to make a cartoonish dog then a realistic one. Add some lights in the eyes and...


And here you are! It's cuuuuute isn't it? but...something is missing...

Of course! A puppy! Ooow that's already cute!

Draw a puppy have the same rules of draw an adult, but add more cute and fatty things! Puppy have a very soft fur that makes them looks like a cotton swab with smart and joyful eyes!

Put in it all your love and "aaaaaw" thing and you're done! There you have your personal fluffy and fat puppy!

Try to not offend him, it's a dangerous tenderness ball.

But...let's go on!

This simple trick works with every fluffy and fat animal (yes...again I said it)...

Let's try with a cat!

Draw again circles!

Draw again waved fur, eyes and other details, but remember! Cats hates everyone! (Just joking...or not?) you can try to draw suspicious eyes to draw a REAL god-like cat! Their nose are "T" shaped too but smaller and thinner.

Don't say out loud that they are fatty...just in case...

Now try other animals, like a bird or a mouse!

See? It works! that mouse is so happy to be fat!


Bird doesn't have visible ears and their nose is on the beak, Mouse, instead, have rounded ears and very thin tail and paws. Their nose is rounded too!


The very tip I want to tell you is to try and try again, practice is the very thing that help you to improve. Put your passion and keep going!

Hope this tutorial was helpful and you liked it!


Bye byee!



