The very basics of Layers! For beginners.




The basics of Layers

First of all, what are layers?

When you do digital art, you are working with Layers. Layers are like paper sheets that are overlapping each other but you can see through the empty parts. You are going to use diferent types of layers when you work, depending on which is easier for your work.


You can create a layer with right clicking the on layer window and then a new layer and choose the layer that you gonna need or use the rester/vector layer creation buttons.

If you don't have a layer window go to window settings and click on layer.



We start with the basics:

1. The order

It's important that your layer order matters, when you are painting, when you use the normal layers (the blending mode is on normal ) , the layers are overlapping each other but don't forget that your drawing is going to be visible from the top layer across the bottom layer. If you draw a background and you put that layer to the top its going to cover up everything else. When you are going to be familiar with blending modes or changing the opacity of the layer, the layer order could be different.


2.Basic settings/actions

1.New layer folder: Creating a folder where you can contain your layers is very useful if you work with a lot of layers (like in animation).Click and drag your layers to the folder.


2.New corection layer: You can fine tune different aspects of your layers like tone, gradient, color balance etc..


3.Create folder and insert layer: Same as create folder but it’s going to move the selected layers to the folder.(ctrl+g)


4.Duplicate layer: It creates a copy of the selected layer. (Also works with ctrl + c/v)

5.Delete layer: It deletes the selected layers. (you can bind it)


6.Layer mask: It masks the selected part of the layers.


7.Ruler/Frame: Ruler and frame settings ( you can create a perspective ruler here faster).


8.Convert to file object: Its converts the layer tof fileobject. You can use fileobject in your drawings and you can edit you fileobject in different workspace and when you save your the fileobject than its gonna change on the drawing wher you used it.


9.Layer settings: Different layer setting that iam going to go in depth later.


10.Selection from layer: Select everything from that layer.


11.Convert layer: You can convert your layer to different type/colour settings or blending mode. (you can bind it)


12.Convert Lines and Tones : You can change different aspects of the tone and lines.


13.Merge with layer below: Merge layer to the layer under the selected layer (ctrl +e)



14.Merge visible layers: All the visible layers become 1 layer. (ctrl + shift + e)


15.Merge visibly to new layers: Creates a new layer with everything that was visible on your drawing.

16.Flatten image: Finishing move merges every layer. (you can bind it)


*You can bind shortcuts , go to : files - > shortcut settings --> layer





  • Corection layer


This image is just an example not a guide , most correction layers have scalable settings , so you can play with different settings.

3.The type of the layer

You can create 7 types of layers (2 main: raster and vector ) when you right click on the layers window. Select new layers and then select which layer type do you want.


-Raster Layer: Pixel based layer, you gonna use this for mostly digital drawings and paintings

 because of the pixels when you   scale or distort the image  can be damaged or getting 



-Vector layer: Vector/point based layer , useful for line art mostly used for comics and for

 manga.It can be scaled or edited without any problem but you cant use fill tools or blending on this layer. Under the text tool there is the correct line tools menu where you can find different vector tools.


-Gradient: You choose a path and colour and its fills it , with that colour transition. Very usefull for fast colouring.


-Fill: Creates a layer with the colour of choice and with a mask.


-Tone: A layer with tone effect.


-Frame border: Creates a frame layer its mostly used for comics and for manga.


-3D layer: Layer for 3D objects. You can inport 3D objects for reference/help or for use for

your art.


-You can import images when you import them (file-->import-->import image) it's going to be a an object layer you can scale it rotate it but you can't draw on it or edit it if want to work on it right click and choose restarize and after that it become a normal layer.

4.Layer settings

-Opacity: There is the opacity bar where the lower the % is the more transparent the layer become.


-Clipping a layer: You are clipping the layer to the layer below and that part will be visible which the layer below has something on.


-Reference layer: It marks the layer as reference layer. The program use this when you are using colour bucket or other tools, than you can choose the reference layer option so the program will work with that layer.


-Draft layer: Its marks the layer as draft layer. Draft layers can be excluded in some actions and on the export of the file. You can mark your sketch layer with it and when you export your drawing you can exclude that layer.


-Lock layer: When you lock a layer you can’t draw on or edit on that layer. Can be useful so you don’t draw on that layer by accident


-Lock transparent pixel: It’s like masking, you can only work on those parts of the layer where are pixels. Very useful when you are colouring.


-Layer colour settings: you change the layer overall colour with this setting

5. Effects

1.Border effect: With border effect it gives your lines a borderline with the choice of colour.

You can draw with color and your line will automatically have border lines.

2.Extract Line: It gives an effect that makes the drawing look like ink drawing. You can use it for making imported image (like backgrounds) to look more like comic style.

3.Tone: It's gives the layer a tone effect , mostly used in manga for depth and shading. You can change the pattern type and the frequency.

4.Layer colour: Changes the layers overall color. You can choose which color you want, it's very useful when you have already done the sketch and you are doing the lineart you simply change the sketch colour with this and it's easier to do the lineart.


Blending modes

You can choose blending modes on layers. Blending modes are effects that changes how the layers colour will blend with the lower layers colorus, you can play with different modes with different settings i am not going to go in depth in this part because there are too many modes and it would be way too long but you can find very good tip pages about this part.


  • you can make 2 windowed layer managment so when you have too many layers its easier to navigate.



-You can mark layers with color, its to the left from blending modes , its realy helpfull if you work with a lot of layers like in animation.


-You can change the layers color setting there is

-color: every color is available

  • gray : shades of grey

  • monochrome: black and white

You can change any time between this 3 without any problem.




  • You can add rulers to your layers, there are different type of rulers but all of them can be helpful in digital art so try out all of them.



Thank you for reading and have fun creating.


