[Photo Techniques] Photo to Snow Globe





Hello everyone, the following content contains a tutorial about techniques involving photos. We will learn about how to turn a photo into a snow globe. Here we go ^_^

1. Prepare the photo

Open the photo in scale 1:1 in Clip Studio Paint. You can use any photo that you want and turn it into a snow globe. A photo that contains a building is a good choice. Don't forget to crop the photo in scale 1:1 or you can set the camera in scale 1:1 before taking a picture.

2. Determine the center point

Make a cross line in the photo to determine the middle (center point) of the photo. This center point will be very useful later to determine the part of the photo to put the symmetrical ruler.

3. Change the color of photo

Press Ctrl + U and change the hue from 0 to 180. It will change the color of the whole photo.

4. Change the color of sky

Open a new layer and change the mode from ''Normal'' to ''Overlay''.

After that, add blue color (or whatever you want) with a soft airbrush.

Blend the blue color with ''finger tip'' and merge the overlay layer with the layer below after the blending process.


5. Make the sky more darker

Open a new layer and change the mode from ''Normal'' to ''Multiply''.

Apply a dark blue color to the photo (the color choice is depends on the photo you use and the result you want).


6. Add some snowflakes

Open a new layer and change the mode from ''Normal'' to ''Overlay''.

Then, paint the snowflakes on sky with ''Droplet'' and ''Spray''.

Add some glow with soft airbrush.

Add some color of the photo with a layer called ''Overlay'' with airbrush and don't forget to merge the layer with the photo after done (right click > merge with layer below).

7. Duplicate the photo

Duplicate the photo into some piece with shortcut Ctrl + C > Ctrl + V.


8. Filter for the snow globe

Change the first photo with

Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates > Transformation method > Spherize

Change the second photo into a ball with Filter > Distort > Curved Surface

(V: 100 C: 0 T: 50 O:0)


Create a circle above a new layer. I use a green color this time.

Select the whole green circle and back to the layer of the second snow globe.

Click "select" > "Invert selected area" > and Ctrl + X.

You will get a clean result of the snow globe.


Move the second photo above the first photo.

9. Base (support) of snow globe

Change the size of canvas to get more space.

(Edit > Change Canvas Size)


Create a line to split the canvas into two part.

Open a new layer and active the symmetrical ruler.

Draw the base (support) of the snow globe.


Erase the part that you don't need.



Paint it some basic light and shadow to make the base (support) looks more realistic.

10. Make the snow globe looks glassy

Select the green circle and this is very useful to make the coloring not go out of the snow globe.

Open a new layer, change the mode to ''Multiply'' and do the ''shading process'' above the snow globe.

Open a new layer above, change the mode to ''Add Glow'' and do the ''lighting process'' above the snow globe.

11. Finishing of snow globe

Press Ctrl + U and change the hue of the base (support) of snow globe (you can skip this part if you want).


Add some detail to make it more realistic.

Open a new layer, change the mode from ''Normal'' to ''Overlay'' and add some lighter colors make the object looks a little bit glowing.

Add some detail of the snow globe like additional light or additional shadow.

Use ''Rectangle tool'' to select some background area and open a new layer below the snow globe.

Use a tool named ''Foreground to background'' and choose 2 different dark color with a different value. Apply the colors on the background.

Use a ''Fill tool'' to color the rest background in the a new layer below the first background.

Add some shadow under the snow globe.

Open a new layer above, change the mode to ''Add Glow'' and add some circle with light color for the background.

Copy and edit the light with Ctrl + C > Ctrl + V > Ctrl + T > Right Click > Flip Vertical.

Apply the light with Ctrl + T > Free Transform.

Low the opacity of the layer from 100 to 25 to reduce the reflection of light.

You can reduce the light of the background with Ctrl + U and move the ''Luminosity'' button to left side.

Add some detail of the snow globe with extra shadow or light.

And it is done ^_^

12. YouTube

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