Tips to draw side faces!




Hello everyone my name is ale but you can call me Zoka


Today I want to bring you tips on how to make faces in easier and more dynamic ways, in addition to showing you the processes to carry it out.

guide lines

To start a sketch we always start with lines and in my case they are the guides to be able to make any piece


It helped me a lot to stop making "hairy" or very dirty lines since that changes a lot when it comes to wanting to make a lineart unless it is rendered there, the line is not really where it starts from


Speaking of factions, it depends a lot if the character is young or old, as well as if it is female or male.


The nose can make a lot of difference to make the face more dynamic


In female faces, a slight curvature is usually placed in the nasion that accentuates a more delicate nose, although this varies greatly depending on the style of the cartoonist.


While in males a rougher or deeper curve is made

Men or male characters



As I said, the curve of the nose is usually deeper, I like to make the eyes a little big because I adore characters with warm looks

Women or female characters

In my case, when it comes to making ladies from the side, I like to make big lips and smiles, so normally the cheeks stand out a lot.

I wanted to put a video but this is still new for me hahaha, if you want to see more or have questions I will answer them, thank you very much for watching!



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