[Coloring] I want to reduce the number of layers! [Time saving]




When coloring, if you paint one base layer, one shadow layer, and one highlight layer all at once, it saves time because you don't have to move between layers, compared to separating layers by color. Will it happen? ? This is an article.

In order to reduce the number of layers, I would like to explain what tool settings and procedures should be used to paint without spilling out, how to change the color, etc. !


In other words, what to do...


  • Apply different base layers in one layer.

  • Duplicate the base layer and use tonal correction to make it the color of one shadow.

  • Make the base or area layer a reference layer, set the automatic selection tool's reference destination to the reference layer, and take the selection area and paint shadows and highlights.

If you are a Crysta Hebirote user and think you already understand everything, this is all you need. thank you very much! Please press like! ! !

First layer configuration

Collect line drawings into a line drawing folder and set them as reference layers.

1The shadow and highlight layers are created by duplicating the base layer, so they don't exist at the beginning.

I register the line drawing and coloring folders and the layers inside as materials. It's convenient because you don't have to create layers each time.

The background is gray because the white canvas is dazzling. Take care of your eyes!

Create a mask for the coloring folder

First, we will paint separately to make the entire area to be colored into a mask.

(This is the part that will later become a mask for the paint folder)

Select the s layer and use the famous enclose and paint without gaps etc. Circle the picture.

But before that, let's slightly change the settings of the tool that surrounds and paints without gaps.

Please make changes mainly to the part circled in red.

The reference destination is the reference layer, Do not refer to the editing layer.

The composition mode is Background.

Anti-aliasing is off.

We recommend that you duplicate the tool. Just in case...

As you can see, the gaps between the hair on the left end are painted yellow, but you can leave them as they are as they will be erased in the next step.

(The layer name was originally a white layer, but it was just changed to s because it was troublesome, so it doesn't have any meaning...)

Next, go to the s erase layer.

Click on the s layer while holding down the Ctrl key to make a selection range.

Invert the selection and fill it with green.

Fill in the gaps between the hairs on the left using the bucket tool.

Set the bucket tool's reference destination to the reference layer.

Please turn off anti-aliasing! ! Check it out! remove! !

But...if you zoom in...

The inverted V-shaped part of your hair may be sticking out.

Fill in these areas with green using the enclose and fill tool.

It seems like this tool is better at painting than erasing, so please give up on erasing. Fill it out.

Once the colors are neatly painted in yellow and green without any protrusion, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the s layer to select the area.

Next, press the Ctrl + Alt keys and click on the erase layer to cancel the selection.

Select the fill folder and press the mask button to create a mask in the fill folder.

With this, the s and s erase layers are no longer useful. thank you for your hard work. Let's hide it.

Paint the base layer separately

Next, let's paint the base layer.

First, change the settings of the bucket tool...or rather, the fill tool.

It's almost the same as when using the tool that surrounds and paints without gaps.

The reference destination is reference layer. (The line drawing is now the reference layer.)

Do not refer to editing layers.

The composition mode is Background.

Anti-aliasing is off.

Now, let's start applying it on the skin!

yes! ! ! ! ! When I painted my face, there was an inverted V-shaped part of my bangs left unpainted! !

Let's paint with the tool that paints without gaps. God tools.

By the way, I am trying to surround it by covering it with the line drawing of the bangs, but this is a bad example.

This is not a good idea as the skin color will appear under the line drawing of the bangs.

Try to enclose only the inverted V part as much as possible.

By the way, I don't care about that gap because it won't expand! If so, you can ignore this step.

Next, paint the hair. Pick it up in a bucket

If you apply bucket paint, you will end up with unpainted areas like the image above.

The red circle in the upper left surrounded by the hair color can be ignored, but the parts adjacent to other colors should be filled in with the God tool.

Tool to surround and paint without gaps!

The reason why you can ignore parts surrounded by the same color is because the colors will be thickened later. I'll explain it later, so please wait.

What is compositing mode background?

It's hard to see, but there's some unpainted paint on the tips of my bangs.

Let's surround it with a tool that encloses it without any gaps and paints it.

It's okay, it won't affect your complexion.

because! ! ! Composition mode is background! ! ! !


It is no exaggeration to say that the composite mode background is essential for painting all on one sheet.

What on earth is compositing mode background? ? ? That's what you thought.

In fact, it also exists in brushes.

Try setting it in Tool Properties, Tool Details, Ink > Composite Mode > Background.

Use a dropper of any red color and apply it on your skin and hair.

You can't paint it, right? ? ? that's right. Is the correct answer.

The blending mode background can only be drawn on transparent areas of the layer that are not painted.

Wow, genius setting! Thank you Christa! By the way, Photoshop also has this setting!

After all, you can also use a brush to paint over these protruding parts of the ends of your hair.

If it's in blending mode background, it won't stick out! ! !

but! Make sure to turn off anti-aliasing for your brushes! !

If you want to paint in one layer without using this blending mode background, you'll have to take the selection area of the layer, invert it, and fill it in little by little with a regular brush... Well, it's difficult, isn't it?



For now, I roughly painted the base layer using the fill tool and the fill tool.

It wasn't that difficult because you just had to do it and surround it.

Now let's hide the line drawing.



I made the background green to make it easier to understand.

Hmm, so many omissions. The cat's expression is also clear.

There is no color under the line drawing.

Actually, there were still a lot of gaps, such as where the line drawings intersected, right?

but it's okay!

Make the color bolder! ! ! You created a mask in the coloring folder for this purpose!

Setting the fill tool to eliminate color loss

Let's duplicate the bucket and the fill tool and set it up.

Fill > Turn off Follow Adjacent Pixels

Fill > Area scaling 1

Ink>Composition mode background

Anti-aliasing is off


What happens when you use this tool? ?

Right-click or use a dropper to remove the hair color.

Click once on the left to enlarge the area to be painted by 1 pixel.

Follow adjacent pixels is turned off, so even if the colors are not connected, if the colors are the same, the range will be one pixel larger.

For example, humans usually have two eyes, right? Even if you don't have to click twice on the right and left eyes, if the eyes are the same color, if you click on the right eye with this fill tool, the area to be filled on the left eye will be enlarged in the same way. Is it difficult to understand?

So, Please right-click to use the eyedropper and left-click to fill in each color, in that order.

I think there is still a gap, so increase the area scaling number and press the right and left clicks for each color one more time.

If it is troublesome, you can create a duplicate of the tool with the area scaling number set to about 4, or press left-click many times on your own to expand the area.

Here too, the blending mode is background, so the color can only be applied to transparent, uncolored areas, so don't worry and keep clicking!


By the way…….

If you have a keyboard that can register macros, such as a gaming keyboard, you can register right-click and left-click as macros, making it easier to operate as you just need to place the mouse cursor on the color you want to spread and press the key. It will be.

Right clit! Left clit! It's quite tedious to do this over and over again, so you can do it with Joy to Key if you try hard enough, so I use the Switch as my left-hand device! If you are someone like that, please try registering a macro.

Thank you for clicking!

I tried to hide the mask to make it easier to understand.

In this way, the range of colors should expand and the colors should be visible all the way to the bottom of the line drawing.

If you are concerned about small protrusions at this point, please use a regular brush to correct them.

However, please turn off anti-aliasing.

I say this with a sour taste, but please turn it off as it will cause trouble when applying.

Create area layer

It's not that complicated a picture, it's a hassle! If you think so, you don't need the area layer, so you can skip it.

But it's convenient to have.

What is a region layer?

This is preparation for the next step.

As I mentioned in the spoiler at the beginning, when painting shadows and highlights, I take a selection area and paint it, but I use it to make it a reference layer for the selection area.

The coloring method is the same as the base layer.

However, there are many colors.


Here, I will mainly write about simple methods and tool settings for coloring area layers.

add line drawings

I want to use the fill tool (I want it to be easy), so I add a layer to the line art folder.

Add line drawings to areas that you want to color separately, but where the lines are not connected.

Let's start with the hair.

I painted the bangs, back hair, and sideburns separately.

It's easy, just click.

As I did with the base layer, use the area scaling 1 fill tool and repeatedly right-click and left-click to expand the area to be filled.

A lot of it sticks out from my hair, so I'll remove it using the following method.



Auto selection tool settings

Auto selection tool settings.

Make sure to uncheck any and all settings checkboxes. Everything!


Select Base layer and click on Hair.

Invert the selection and Select the area layer.

Erase the protruding part using the delete key.

(You can also select skin and clothes and erase them.)

Next, I painted the skin.

Paint the face, ears, neck and hands in different colors.

This time, I used the automatic selection tool to select the base layer clothes and cat and deleted the protruding parts.

When you get to this point, it's a pain to create the colors.

Apply it first with a flat brush.

That's right, we make a brush that changes color every time you apply it...

Brush settings that change color with each drawing

These are settings for a brush that changes color each time it is drawn.

Sub tool details from tool properties

Color change > Random change for each stroke turned on

Adjust the hue, saturation, and brightness.

I think 180 is fine for the hue, but you can adjust the saturation and brightness to your liking.

I feel like colors that are too dark make it difficult to tell them apart, so I try to avoid using them sparingly.

As usual, Blending mode is Background, Anti-aliasing is off.


While using the eyedropper, paint with the fill tool whose reference destination is the reference layer.

(Refer to other layers. It's 7. What is 7...)

By the way, Do not refer to editing layer is checked for use here.

Once you've finished painting, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the area layer to make a selection.

Check to see if there are any areas where you forgot to paint and there are gaps.

There were so many. Why…….

Fill in the area neatly without any gaps and you're done with the area layer.

thank you for your hard work.

paint the shadow

The added line drawing folder layer is not needed, so hide it.

Let's also move the area layer below the base layer.

I duplicated the base layer and changed the layer name to 1.

I made it slightly darker using Edit > Tonal Correction > Hue, Saturation, and Brightness. It's easy to understand.

However, it is not so easy to determine the color of the shadow, so we will adjust each color one by one.

Click on the skin using the Automatic selection tool used in the process of creating the area layer.

Since Follow adjacent pixels is turned off, the face and hand colors are not connected, but since they are the same color, you can make a selection with one click.

Change the color by moving the slider on the adjustment layer or filling it in if there is a certain color.

I think it would be better to adjust this while painting the shadows.

Select one layer and press the mask button.

Make the area layer a reference layer.

If you have not created an area layer, make the base layer the reference layer.

Configuring the automatic selection tool for region reference layers

Auto selection tool settings for area reference layers.

How to create New selection

Turn off Follow Adjacent Pixels

Color error 0.0

Turn region scaling off

Multiple references are reference layers

Do not reference layers, turn on Do not refer to editing layers

Anti-aliasing is off


I want to paint the back hair with one layer of mask selected, so let's click on the back hair with the automatic selection tool.

The part of the back hair that was painted separately using the area layer has been selected.

Select the brush tool and start painting.

You can use the brush you usually use with your favorite settings.

There is no need to turn off anti-aliasing here.

The reason I've turned off anti-aliasing so often is to make sure this selection range is clear.

Areas without line drawings will look jagged, so use the blur tool or fingertip tool to blend them in.

If anti-aliasing was turned on here, there would be slight gaps between the colors, and even if you blur them, they won't fill in neatly...


However, the dotted lines in the selection range are a nuisance.

This line can be hidden from View > Selection Border.

You can automate this process by registering the automatic selection tool → hide selection → brush tool as a keyboard macro or pen tablet keystroke.

Pen tab and macro keyboard settings

This is the setting method for Wacom tablet.

I love using the now defunct 3D pen, but I think the method of setting keystrokes is almost the same. Please search and find out on your own.

I think your pen has at least two buttons, but if you have any buttons other than right-click that you don't use, I recommend setting them up.

Click settings cannot be configured on Wacom pen tablets, so

Set the shortcut key for Hide Selection → Brush.

In my case, Ctrl+H is the selection border, and B is the brush.

Press W on the keyboard to select the automatic selection tool, then click with the pen, then press the pen button to hide the selection and change the tool to a brush, so you can color quickly and stress-free.

If you can set a keyboard macro, you can use click, making it even simpler.

Auto Selection Tool → Click → Selection Border → Brush

If you register, all you have to do is place the cursor on the area you want to color and press the key, which is the birth of super-fast drawing.

If you try really hard, you can also set this with the joy-to-key, so please do your best.



In the same way, for the highlights, duplicate the base layer, change the color, and fill it in with a mask.

Layers for redness such as cheeks are on separate layers.

This is the final layer configuration.

I added one more shadow and added an overlay blur to the hair.

Now you can color with as many layers as can fit on one screen, so if you are having trouble with an infinite number of layers! Please try!



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