Draw Cozy Interiors Using Perspective Rulers
October 2024
Tips of the Month
The themes this time were Concept art with Assets materials, Favorite spaces with perspective rulers, and Original birthday card. We are now accepting submissions for November's themes and looking forward to your posts!
Out of the Tips posted between October 1 to October 31, 2024, the writers of the following will be awarded a cash prize or GOLD!

Video Award
Give drawing a cozy-looking interior a shot by using the perspective ruler! The video includes the basics of perspective drawing and the perspective ruler, plus practical application with an illustration. Don't miss how you can combine the perspective ruler with unexpected tools to draw furniture, accessories, and more with ease!

Tablet Theme Award
In addition to designing fonts and using materials that take advantage of Clip Studio Paint’s features, this article also details how to make and assemble a pop-up birthday card. See and enjoy a wide variety of birthday card designs in this Tips.

Gold Award
Learn how to create a drawing based on a concept. This Tips uses brownies as a base to create an illustration full of hearts. From character design to composition, this tips uses various assets and drawing techniques. It is bound to help you find inspiration all around you.

Silver Award
CHYEE shows you how to create cute birthday cards by using a lot of materials. With this tips as a reference, you can easily design your own original cards by simply changing the colors and materials. There’s also a bunch of useful information for how to handle and present text!
This Tips teaches how to draw the exterior of a building using the perspective ruler. By learning the basics of perspective drawing and adding store elements along the perspective ruler, you can create a stylish store exterior from just a cube. Enjoy learning about perspective without much difficulty.
Get a clear explanation of how to use perspective rulers with the drawing process of the interior of a warm cafe. Learn a method for efficiently creating difficult-to-draw furniture, such as chairs and lighting fixtures, by using 3D materials. This Tips is highly recommended for those who have difficulty in drawing scenery and backgrounds.
This article shows you how to add backgrounds and effects to your animations using materials in Clip Studio Assets. The tutorial comes with a video and carefully explains how to depict effects with downloaded brush materials, making it easy to upgrade even simple animations.

Bronze Award
Giving away US$10,000 every month!
Submit your "TIPS of the Month" and earn a reward!
Post your tutorial on our theme of the month and share your art knowledge with Clip Studio Paint users all over the world! Each month, we’ll select the best tutorials our users have to offer, giving away up to US$10,000 in prizes! Winning entries will be selected from tutorials covering the chosen themes on Clip Studio Tips, based on various factors such as novelty, range of use, usefulness, and views.