How to avoid perspective distortion in 2 points perspective

12 774




Hello, Felil here to another tutorial, this time i'll be covering about perspective, this is a complex subject, but also really interesting.

It's really common to happen distortion when we are drawing, even if we are not aware of it. There's a lot of tools that helps to get around this kind of situation, but today i'll show you how i do my perspective drawings combining techniques with using Clip Studio rulers.

Field of view

First of all, it's important to understand how we see the world around us.

Our eyes have a limited field of view, and because of this we can't see what is on our side for instance (not very plain, at least), So, the same happens when drawing, if we push in excess the perspective in drawing, it will looks weird.

The drawing in short is a simulation of reality, and also has "rules".

Cone of vision

Now, let's see some examples. Usually our cone of vision (Field of view) is depicted as a cone with 60° degree and the vanishing points with 90°. The vanishing points always have to sum 90°, for instance, a 45°+45°, or 30°+60°.

Below i'll leave examples of this, seen from some views.


SP = Station point (where are our eyes, or camera).

60 (30+30) = our cone of vision in red.

90 (45+45) = Vanishing points.

Object that we are looking at, in green.


Above View

Side View

Back View


Using Rulers

Ok, now you must be asking how you can use this with Clip Studio. Well my friends, that's the point. Let's go.

First, you need to download this material, this will help to get the angles that we need.

Draw a line in the place that you want your Station point (Horizon line), also draw a vertical line, put your Protractor below and aligned with the vertical line.

Create a New layer, select the [Sub tool] palette > [Ruler] > [Linear ruler]. Drag the ruler from the bottom of the Protractor through the 60° angles till the horizon line, from both sides.

Follow the red dots to a better understanding.

TIP: there's the [Snap to ruler] and the [Set showing area of the ruler], the first one is responsible for the ruler work, if it's not enable, the line don't follow the ruler, and the second one has three options that i wanna to talk about:


Show in all layers: The ruler will appear in all of them, and you can draw snap in it even from others layers.

Show in same folder: This is really useful, sometimes i leave a folder just with rulers and when i need i drop my layers inside it.

Show only when editing target: In this option the ruler work just when you have the layer with the ruler selected.

Draw the lines following the rulers and make a circle in the intersection, between the 60 angle line and the horizon line. To make the circle go to [Sub tool] palette > [Figure] > [Direct draw] > [Elipse], also select [Create line]. Then click on Sub Tool Detail palette > Shape operation > Start from center, this way you can make your circle from the middle.

Now, it's time to make yours vanishing points. Again select the [Linear ruler] and drag the ruler from the bottom till the horizon line, i choose the 45°+45°. Remember, The vanishing points have to create a perpendicular angle (90°).

Our cone of vision is done!

Creating Perspective ruler

Ok, now we have to organize our Perspective ruler to match the cone.

Select [Command] bar > [Layer] > [Ruler - Frame] > [Create perspective ruler], Choose 2 points perspective and click Ok.

The dots that are marked in red are the ones that you need to drag and positioned, the green in the middle need to be aligned with the horizon line, the blue ones are the vanishing points.


The cone of vision now is done, the thing you need to know is that the draw must be done inside the circle, also i going to show some distortions that happen outside it.

TIP: The Snap to Special Ruler must be enable to the perspective ruler work.

Step one: Draw the floor.

Step two: Draw the walls.

step three: Draw the ceiling.

Step four: Click on the [Snap to Special Ruler] to disable the perspective ruler. Then, select the [Sub tool] palette > [Figure] > [Direct draw] > [Straight line], and draw a X to find the middle of the plane, then draw a line through the highest part to make our roof.

Step 5: Started the roof.

Step 6: Used a line that goes through the floor that follows the perspective from the front to behind to also make the roof.

Step 7: Finished the roof, see that the front part of the roof was used a line to align the two of them.

Step 8: I made some details like door and window.


Select the [Real G-Pen] tool.

[Sub tool] palette > [Pen] > [Real G-Pen], Create a New layer and start making your lineart, Use a vector layer to it, because this way you can erase more easily with the [Eraser vector] tool.

[Sub tool] palette > [Eraser] > [Vector],

The house is done!


And this is what happen when we draw outside the cone of vision.

Final Thoughts

It worth to remember that this cone is used to the 2 vanishing points, to other kind it may not work very well.


If you need to use other position of vanishing points, for instance 30°+60°, a way you can do this is using a box that get all the side of the Protractor, Use the transform tool (Ctrl+T) and drag the Reference point to the bottom of the Protractor and rotate it to find 90° angles.

Well, this is it. I hope this tutorial is useful to you.

Thank you for reading.



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