Reset [Color Palettes] and tips on |Eyedropper]

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In the previous tutorials, we looked at every color palette of CLipStudioPaint. Now, here are some tips and demonstrations.

How to Reset Color Palettes

If you made changes to color palettes, and now you want to go back to default state of the palettes, you can do this :

1. Quit Clip Studio Paint.

2. Open Clip Studio

3. Hold down "Shift" keyboard key and at the same time click on ClipStudioPaint logo to launch the application. Continue pressing "Shift".

4. This will launch a reinitialization of the application. A pop-up window will appear.


You can also reset the layout of palettes by resetting your workspace to default (be careful : this can reset the whole workplace, not just the palette layout).

Now, let's see the [Eyedropper] Tool.

Pick colors with the [Eyedropper] tool

By clicking on your canvas, you can pick up a drawing color.


You will see two options in the [Sub Tool] palette. One will allow you to pick color from your canvas, no matter what layer you're drawing on. The other one, will allow you to pick color from the current active layer.

You can further change the settings, by going to the [Tool property] palette :

Here, you can select the area of reference :

  • Current layer, Top layer, and Image


And you can also select which layers you want to exclude, so that they don't get in the way when you're selecting colors with the [Eyedropper] tool. You can exclude draft layers, text layers, paper layers, and locked layers.

Personally, I prefer to exclude [paper layers]. That way, when I use brushes that a have a transparent quality, the color I register with the [Eyedropper] tool will remain clear and not influenced by my paper color.


For example, below I demonstrate with a red paper layer.

How to pick colors outside of ClipStudio

You can acquire colors outside of the canvas area.

To do so, go to [Edit] -> [Pick screen color].

You can also select the other option - [Hide windows and pick screen color]. This will allow you to pick colors from other windows, or apps opened in the background.



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