How to Design Fabric Repeat Patterns on Clip Studio Paint





Hello! My name is Hira Karmachela and this is my YouTube Video Tutorials Series. On this occasion, I will share my experience of designing fabric repeat patterns using Clip Studio Paint. Keep in mind that graphic design goes into all lines and aspects of the business including textiles and fashion. As the development of printing technology and fashion trends, fabrics with digital print patterns increasingly popular. The application of repetitive patterns to the fabric makes a modern impression on the fabric which is then processed into clothing. Clip Studio Paint is the best software that I feel really helps for this work.


I hope this post will be interesting tips for those of you who are looking for ways to designing fabric repeat patterns using CSP. What's more, I have made a video tutorial for this post which is complete with voice over that explains step by step of designing fabric repeat patterns. So, please watch the video below or read this post to complete.

About Repeat Patterns

One of the principles of design is rhythm, which is the impression of regular movement displayed by the arrangement of visual elements called patterns. Visual elements arranged in such a way with certain rules will produce an impression such as tight, tenuous, high, low, hot, and cold. The pattern can be repeated and this will cause harmonization between the visual elements involved.

In applied arts such as textile crafts, repeat patterns are often needed to fill fields in the fabric. Technically, a repeat pattern is created by making the rules of repeating visual elements in a field with unlimited dimensions so that it will produce a seamless design.


Canvas Setup

The first step, we create a new file with preset illustrations. Set dimensions with a width of 1200 px and height of 1200 px and a resolution of 300 dpi to maintain good image quality when it will be printed or converted to vector images.


Next, change the color of the paper by double clicks on the "Paper" layer.


Then the color selection window will appear, press the eyedropper icon to activate the eyedropper tool.


Then choose a color in the swatches panel on the left side of the screen.


Painting Objects

The next step is to make some objects to be arranged into patterns. In this step, you can use any technique such as pencil sketch, line art, watercolor, and others to create objects. Basically, all objects from any technique can be used according to your pattern design needs.


This time, I used oil painting techniques to create objects. So that I will not sketch or line art first. Activate the brush tool and open the "Oil paint" tab then select "Oil paint flat brush".


I will make a pattern with the theme "Junk Food" which consists of several objects such as burgers, pizza, shortcakes, french fries, and tapioca milk shakes. Choose colors that match the object to be made but also contrast with the background color.


Separate each object in a different layer, so that it will be easy to duplicate and arrange into patterns.


Laying Objects

After the main objects for the design pattern are finished, then we need to arrange the objects in a comfortable position.


Previously, we needed to activate the "Grid", which is an imaginary arrangement composed of vertical and horizontal lines. Grid will help us in laying out objects.


To activate the Grid, please enter the menu View > Grid (check mark) then select also > Grid Settings.


A dialog window will appear like below. Set "Original point of grid ruler" in the Center and fill "Gap(D)" as 1000 px and "Number of divisions" as 2.


Next, to start organizing objects. First duplicate the object layers by selecting the "tapioca milk shakes, french fires, shortcakes, pizza, and burgers" layers. Then go to the menu Layer > Duplicate Layer.


Then the selected layers will be duplicated as below.


Next, select each object by selecting the layer first. Use the move tool to lay out the object. You can rotate the object's position by using the shortcut "Ctrl + T" then just move the mouse to adjust the rotation.


Tip: Arrange and place objects as if they are arbitrary but rhythmic. This will make the pattern seem dynamic and not rigid.


Place the objects in the area of ​​the four central squares formed by the grid. So, when the object repetition process in the next step does not occur clash between objects.


Next, create a new layer named "texts" then use the "Oil paint" tool to create texts to decorate and fill in the blank spaces between objects. Texts are recommended to exceed the central grid area so that the results will be seamless.


Repeating Objects

The next step is to make the objects that have been arranged into repetitive patterns. Select all layers except the "Paper" layer. Then go to the menu Layer > Combine Selected Layer.


Then all the selected layers will be merged into one layer.

Next enter the menu Window > (scroll down) Material > Material [Pattern]. Then the Material panel will open on the right of screen.

Then hold the "texts" layer and drag it until it enters the material panel like below.

The "texts" layer will be copied and converted as new material. Next, select the material we just made then click the settings button at the bottom of the panel.

A material property box will appear. You can give a name for the pattern design in the name column. Then mark the checkbox of "Scale up / down" and change the selection to "Expand in full", mark also the checkbox of "Tiling". Click OK to accept the settings.

Let's see the results, first hide the "texts" layer so that the canvas is clean.

Drag the pattern from the Material panel onto the canvas.

A new layer will appear according to the name of the design pattern that you created. Please adjust the size and position of the pattern on the canvas as shown in the video. The smaller the size of the pattern, the more iterations will form.


All steps to make a pattern are complete. Now let's try to apply the pattern to the media that can be print. This time I will make a T-shirt mock-up with the pattern we have made.


Mock-up is a two-dimensional visual media that is given a three-dimensional effect or impression to preview the concept of a design.


You can make mock-ups through photography and then process it on a computer or you can also download free templates that are widely available on online printing sites.


OK! I have several layers prepared beforehand. There are two layers that usually need to be prepared for mock-ups. First, the layer that contains the basic shape of the model that we will apply the pattern. Second, the layer that contains visual effects such as shadows that give the impression of three dimensions to the model.


Next, select the "base" layer in the mock-up model then drag the pattern that was created in the Material panel onto the canvas.


Please adjust the size and position of the pattern to fit on the surface of the model.


Lock the "shadow" and "base" layers so its don't get disturbed. Then, make the "Junk Food" pattern layer that is above the "base" layer to be a clipping mask, so that the visible pattern is only limited to the shape of the model.


You can erase some parts of the pattern that don't need to be seen on the surface of the model. Previously you had to change the pattern layer to a raster layer by going to menu Layer > Rasterize.

After that you can use the eraser tool. OK! Mock-up complete.


OK! That's all I can share. Hope it is useful and please support me to make more tips by:


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