


Hi, this will be my first TIP post here. I'm going to share how I color clothes specifically OFFICE wear.



1. Reference

The first thing you'll need to do is to look for a "reference". Once you find one and save it to your folder. Open your Clip studio Paint and with your preferred Canvas size. Go to window . Then find and click "SUB VIEW". After clicking it import your preferred reference.

2. Steps

1. First draw a sketch of the cloth/uniform.

2. Do the lineart. I suggest use the "Vector layer" for an easy way to erase failed lines for your drawing. My TIP is don't exaggerate your folding in lineart, we can do that when we move on in coloring.

3. Base Color, I use a lighter color first for the base. After that I will choose a suitable direction for the light. This will help you where to put the shadows and lighting.

4. We will now then use a much darker color for the shadow. Because our light source is in the right side, we will put our shadow on the "LEFT" side using the "SHADOW" airbrush tool. After that we will add a new layer set to "MULTIPLY ". Son't forget to clipped it to your colored layer .Then, using the G-pen with the color of the shadow we will add more folds to our cloth/office wear, follow your reference for the other folds that we didn't draw earlier for the lineart . After we add those additional folds. Go to "Blend Tools" and blend those edges. Do not over blend it, we want to see the folds and over blending it will lose its purpose

5. This may look done now, but in my case I always wanted to show much color to my cloths. I add another layer and set it to "GLOW DODGE" again do not forget to clipped it. Then I will use these two colors for my lighting and shadows. For this it is better to use airbrush tool.

And we are done.

Thank you for checking this tutorial. This is how I color the clothes of my characters especially on my upcoming webtoon. Thank you again for checking this mini tutorial.


