




Hello and welcome to a new tip of Clip Studio Paint, dedicated to our creations and today I will explain about Transparent Art based in the layers, groups and configure the opacity in the work.


With all the functions available of Clip Studio Paint, we will know the advantages for our digital art creation of today: create a simple fog with opacity, create a transparent window detailed until create a complex crystal


I want to show the videotutorial that I prepared for better experience (Activate the subtitles)

Fog Pass

In this case, we have a separated layers of our creation: the sky gradient, clouds, high grass and the indoor of window

Now going to create layers for drawing a simple fog using a color lighthen, and then reduce the opacity

EXTRA TIP: You can change the color of the selected layer using a simple button as ''Replace color''


For our windows, create a glass with groups layer folders, create one for the base, the highlight and the details likes dust or scratch

EXTRA TIP: The advantage of layer folder, is you can reduce the opacity and change the blend mode

Floating Crystal

Now we can design the icosphere crystal with these steps

1. Base

Create a simple base based in the crystal, like a sillhouette and you can add color later

2. Details

Add little details starting with create separate layers

EXTRA TIP: Thanks to the Masks, we can create and undo the painting of transparency without affect the original layer.

3. Blend modes

With all the base and details, change the blend modes of the layers and folder layers, just get experiment!

4. Extra details

In this case, you can create a layer for special effects like a color based in the ambient or combine the layers and make adjustment


And this is the final result of our digital creation with transparent art

Thanks for getting here and I'm glad you read the tutorial and I hope it was useful and practical!


