


Medieval hairstyles have some characteristics in common: they have braids, loops and all kinds of accessories (hairnets, brooches, pins ...) We will start by learning to do these characteristics.


I- Draw a zigzag line.

II-Join the peaks on the left side. I advise to start at the bottom.

III-Join the peaks on the right side. I advise to start at the top.

IV-Set primary color

V-Put a dark color on the zigzag line and part of the line drawn. We will blur it with COLOR MIX-> UNFOCUS.

VI-Brighten and cover the outer lines with a lighter color than the one we used for brightness.




You can search for references that help you create a beautiful complement Medieval accessories have pearls, jewels, are silver or gold and have flowers and hairnets.

I- We will draw the design. If we find it complicated we can make the flowers apart and then place them with the SELECTION tool.

II- Put the primary colors we want to use.

III- Put the shadows on both flowers and metal. For pearls I have put a very simple tutorial.


We will cover the main lines of the drawing to create a more realistic effect. Here you have two options: - Cover them with the same color as you put. -If you make each element in different layers, you can select a color from the color circle then select EDIT-> CHANGE DRAWING LINE.

IV. Brighten and soften shadows. For this last step use the COLOR MIXING tool-> UNFOCUS and use by the color edges. Only details like the fold of flowers are missing.



Once you have learned this, I advise you to look for a reference hairstyle. I have based on the image of a movie. Each part of the drawing can go in different layers. If we are wrong or we do not fit the result, it will be easier to fix.

  • Layer 1: We will start with the basic shapes of the head.
  • Layer 2: We will draw the crown in its basic forms
  • Layer 3: We will finish making the braid as explained in the TRAINS section
  • Layer 4: We will draw the net. In this step, the perspective of the head must be taken into account. When turned to the side, the left part of the grid must have the smallest holes. The roundness of the head must also be taken into account. I recommend doing part of the body if there is hair resting on it.
  • Layer 5: We will finish drawing the hair and decorate it with details. Once these steps are finished, we will return to layer 1 and we will give the eye on your left to stop seeing it. If everything is correct, we can erase layer 1.

We will ink our drawing to improve the lines and begin to color it.


I –We will start with the main color layer. We will make this layer on a different one from the main line and place it below it.

II-We will create another layer where we will start with the shadows and brightness. If you are beginners do this in two different layers. This layer will go above the main line.

For the hair I created two tips. The first is to make the effect of hair and the second is to make waves to the water. We will use a very useful tool from Clip Studio Paint. We select BRUSH-> WATERCOLOR SOFT. In size I advise a number three or four. This tool makes hair colors integrate and gives a magnificent effect. Later we will use NECK-> G to create the sensation of hair thread.

If the hair is very complex and has many different parts (braids, loops, bangs.) You can create several layers for the color. This will make it easier if some part of the hair is under another. For example, if we have drawn a crown of braids and under loose hair, the layer of loose hair should be under the crown of braids. A useful tool to maintain an order is to create folders where to place the different parts of each drawing. Then we just have to join them with LAYER-> COMBINE VISIBLE LAYERS.

III- We will create a last layer for details. (Pearls, decorations ...). Finally, we only have to touch up and finish our drawing

I hope you liked this tutorial and enjoy drawing.



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