Coloring a comic with CLIP STUDIO PAINT




Essential layers and masks


Hello everyone.

Welcome to this TIPS Clip Studio Paint

1. Course content.

Through the coloring of a humorous comic strip on a rasterized layer, we will approach together the essential layers and masks and their functionalities.

To distinguish and facilitate explanations, a color will be assigned to each layer and mask.

They can be invaluable in organizing us.

[Layer window]> [change palette color]

2. The pixelation layer.

Part 1: Definition


As the name suggests, a raster layer is an image made up of a multitude of small colored squares called pixels. The strongly enlarged image is stepped.



Part 2: Layer for the creation of the pencil sketch.


Let's create a new A4 document and ask that the basic expression color be in color.

[File]> [New]

  • Illustration A4

  • Basic expression color: Color

A rasterization layer automatically appears in the layers window. It is transparent and will allow us to draw our sketch.

This one finished, we can go in the property of the layer to change its color.

It turns blue.

[Layer property]> [Layer color]

Let's change the opacity of the raster layer to - 50. It becomes much lighter.

[Window]> [Layer]

  • Opacity


This is a trick to be able to ink so as to clearly see the black of our features and hairlines.

Part 3: Inking and layer folder.


To trace the inking of our comic, we create two new ones.

One for the designs and the other for the frames.

Just go to the layers window and click on the icon:

New raster layer.



Personally, I create a layer folder for each.

Part 4: Solid color and paint bucket.


Definition: a solid is a uniform surface of color.


In the "Drawing ink" folder, we create a new rasterization layer slipped under the ink to make our solids.

To make our solids, make sure to prepare the properties of the paint bucket tool as shown below. Let's adjust if necessary. Then fill our surfaces by dragging it.

Paint Bucket Tool Properties:


Check: Follow adjacent pixel - Close gap

        Color margin: 15.00

        Scaling area: 1

        Opacity: 100

Uncheck: Anti-aliasing

3. Correction layers

Part 1: Explanation:


They allow us to put an effect on the entirety of our solids or our illustration.

Part 2: Method


We go to the "drawing" folder where we want to put the shadows and go to the inking layer.

We find the correction layers in the layers window by right clicking on the layer in the drop-down.

We will use "brightness / contrast" to create our shadows.

A window with "Brightness / Contrast" appears.

We indicate the desired values for the desired shadows.

We see the whole plank getting lighter or darker depending.

Confirm [ok]

Our correction layer appears above our inking layer.

Then, we remove all the layers except the correction one and the folder where it is.

We will find the paint bucket and select the transparent fill icon.

We fill the layer, it turns black.

We make all layers and masks reappear.

It is ready to be used.

Let's check in the correction layer that the "Black" layer is selected

Let's select the parts we want to work with with a selection tool of our choice.

Consider the pen or some other painting tool to fill in and the eraser to erase.

Let's check that the color icon is selected.

Let's apply these same steps according to the chosen correction layer.

They operate on the same principle.

Part 3: The top five correction layers for creating shadows.


1. Hues-saturation are descriptive parameters of a color.

2. The posterization effect is to reduce the number of colors in an image.

3. Level correction corrects tonal range and color balance.

of an image.

4. Tint curve adjusts tones and colors in the image using curves.

5. Color balance is used to emphasize and adjust certain colors.

The shadows are made.

4. The layer mask.

Part 1: Definition.


A layer mask is a kind of stencil that overlays a layer of your choice.

to make certain parts of your image disappear.

We will easily find its icon in the layers window.

We can create "Stencils" with this layer to make gradients and add effects to a specific place.

Part 2: Method


Let's create a raster layer above our solid and uncheck the correction layer.

Let's select the area we want to degrade with the selection tool.

When it's done, let's click on the layer mask icon. It creates a black stencil with the selected white shape in our raster layer.

Let's go to our solid layer to choose the colors of our gradient.

Next, let's select the right layer in our layer mask to drag our gradient into.

Let's apply the one of our choice.

We can also use the airbrush tool.

Part 3: Additional possibilities and tips.


We can modify our stencil with the help of the pen or the eraser by selecting the right layer of the layer mask.

Remember to select our layer according to the chosen action.

We can put as many layers and masks as we want.

Our gradients and effects are done.

We create a file of it.

5. The clipping mask.

Part 1: Definition


A clipping mask is a mask that allows a layer to take the shape of the layer

which is below.

Part 2: Method


To color the inking, we just need to create a raster layer on top of our line art and click on the clipping mask icon and voila!

We choose the color we want for our line and we iron it with a painting tool. Here I am using the pen.

Part 3: Method: Make an effect on a colored surface.


To make effects on a specific area, here is how to proceed.

We close and uncheck all the folders that we don't use, except our folder,

the solid layer and the inking layer.

We make a copy of the solids layer by dragging it into the "Rasterization layer" icon and putting it below the inking.

On the copy layer, we select the desired area (s).

Uncheck our original solid, invert the selection and erase the other colors.

We still have to create a new clipping layer on top of this one and we can make the desired effects.

We can combine all of these layers and make as many as we want.

Consider naming them and being organized.

Let's polish it up to our liking.

Let's add the lettering in one folder and the bubbles in another.

Our comic strip is finished.

I wish you beautiful coloring.


Good creations and fun with Clip Studio Paint software.


Thank you.


Patrick cortes bueno






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