My approach to landscape sketching




Recently, I have become obsessed with practicing sketching, and I feel that painting wind and shadow is really a fun thing.

Feel like you are in the beautiful natural scenery ✨


Here I would like to share my thoughts on my recent practice. I hope you all will like it.

First find a landscape photo you like on the Internet

I'll make a rough sketch because my perspective breaks easily

So I will get used to drawing grid perspective, so that I can train my perspective ability more.


Later, I will estimate the visual trends I want to arrange.

I hope to see the clouds at first glance and then the mountains all the way to the flower fields


So clouds and flower fields are my key projects

Since this is a sketching exercise, I won’t be drawing delicate lines but directly arranging color blocks.


Then I think about how I want to draw light and shadow. There are usually two ways.

One is to paint the color directly

The second is to use special layers


The clouds in the reference photo have more complex shadows, so I decided to use a special layer to draw them.

After arranging the respective color blocks, you can start working on each item individually.

I will divide the color blocks according to needs

Sky (1), clouds (2), two different mountains (3, 4), the farthest grassland (5), the nearest grassland (6)


Clouds_When I draw clouds, I first paint the light, shadow and texture inside, and then just use the cloud brush to create the undulations on the edges. Sometimes I also paint it myself, but I think the effect of using the brush is great, so I It’s hard to reproduce

Mountains_When I draw the mountains, I will open the sketch. I need the perspective grid and try to make the brush texture fit the grid, otherwise the perspective may collapse again.

At this time, you don’t need to worry about light and shadow. Draw the texture first, and then rely on special layers to achieve light and shadow.


Grassland_First lay out the texture of the grassland in the distance. You can slightly change the color to make the picture look richer.

Finally, there is the grass in the front. I will divide this area into two areas, because the grass in the front needs to block the back, so that there is a better sense of front and back. After painting the grass, I will put the flowers on it and adjust it through mesh deformation and skew brushes. Perspective

After all the inherent colors are done, use the special effects in the special layer to draw light and shadow.

First, use color enhancement to draw the shadows of the clouds on the mountains and grass.

Then use overlay to express the feeling of light


Finally, I will make some finishing adjustments. Since this is a sketching exercise, I won’t draw very carefully.

The main thing is to train myself to quickly draw a rough feeling.



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