How to paint your NIGHTMARES
June 2021
Tips of the Month
Out of the Tips posted between Jun 1 and Jun 30, 2021, the writers of the following will be rewarded a cash prize or GOLD!
The themes for the 26th round were “How to Draw Fantastic Creatures of the Dark”, “Drawing Backgrounds using 3D Materials” and “Interesting Uses for Dual Brushes”. We received a lot of guides that offered ideas on how to design and draw creepy monsters for the “How to Draw Fantastic Creatures of the Dark” topic. There were also lots of tips on how to extract lines using Clip Studio Paint for “Drawing Backgrounds using 3D Materials”, but it was a bit of a shame that there wasn’t much on how to make use of lighting and camera angles to make concept artwork. Even though it is a new feature to Clip Studio Paint, there were lots of ingenious ideas on how to use Dual Brushes! We are now accepting submissions for July's themes and looking forward to your posts!
Video Award
All the steps needed to create a terrifying monster, from the design concept, to thumbnailing and coloring, are set out in great detail. Both the video and the text guide cover the key points of the process, so you can refer to whichever one you like. This tutorial made us want to design our own monsters and get advice from friends!
Gold Award
Silver Award
This one guides you in an easy-to-understand way on how to use whatever you find as your inspiration to grab the attention of the viewer with your creature illustration. The video in the guide gives in-depth explanations on how to really make your piece appealing, including fleshing out your concept and doing research as well as how to properly execute the construction of your characters.
This entry explains how to use the Line Extraction feature in Clip Studio Paint EX with 3D materials to create backgrounds for black-and-white manga. One of the most important things we learned was making sure the contrast in each panel is well thought out. You can see in the making-of video how the guide made creative use of their brushes and materials.
This Tip shows you how to create backgrounds using 3D materials. The way the writer placed their characters in relation to the 3D material made the most of the benefits of working in a 3D environment. The technique they used to process the image after they had extracted the lines to match the rest of the piece is a must-learn for anyone who wants to save time creating backgrounds for their webtoons!
It was clear and easy to understand what tools to use when creating backgrounds from 3D materials. In particular, the explanation on using gradients and blurring effects in color comics will be helpful to a lot of people. In the article, the author used a number of different programs, but it’s also helpful if you only use Clip Studio Paint.
This one shows you how to draw a werewolf and apply colors using using layer masks. The stand-out of this tutorial was the part on drawing a wolf’s head using simple shapes. It looks like you would be able to use it to draw other monsters. Coloring with masks takes a bit of time, but it’s good to know how to do it!
This Tips article explains techniques in video and text on how to create backgrounds from 3D materials using line extraction. Coloring after you have got your line art is also very simple, so this is a good one to take a look at if you’re not great at backgrounds. It also won points because it explained some of the harder-to-find features of Clip Studio Paint like the “Rendering settings” dialog box.
Based on lots of examples that the author made, this tutorial gives lots of tips on how to make the creatures of your imagination look real. This is will be a great help when painting them! The video at the end of the article was great, too - you get to see all the steps that went into creating the creatures in the speedpaint.
This guide explains how to make brushes that can be used to easily draw trees and skies for black-and-white manga using the dual brush feature. The brushes introduced here are available on Clip Studio Assets, so you can go ahead and try them out right away. You’re going to want to use these brushes as references for making your own hatching brushes.
This Tip introduces the process of creating dual brushes to draw steam or smoke effects. Both the video and the text are clear, so it’s a good one to take a look at if you want to try your hand at making your own dual brushes. It was interesting that they showed how to create animations that made the steam move, which is a good way to make use of the brush.
Here we have a Tip that shows you how to process 3D materials into backgrounds that pop for color comics and illustrations. It explains the techniques useful for placing characters and 3D materials in the same screen without them looking weird together. Also, this guide features tips on functions that are available in PRO as well as EX, so it’s good no matter what version of Clip Studio Paint you use!
Bronze Award
Giving away US$10,000 every month!
Submit your "TIPS of the Month" and earn a reward!
Post your tutorial on our theme of the month and share your art knowledge with Clip Studio Paint users all over the world! Each month, we’ll select the best tutorials our users have to offer, giving away up to US$10,000 in prizes! Winning entries will be selected from tutorials covering the chosen themes on Clip Studio Tips, based on various factors such as novelty, range of use, usefulness, and views.