Learn basic vehicle design fundementals
Hi :0
In this tutorial , we are going to draw some futuristic vehicle designs and make a design sheet for them!
I'll be making a sleek motorsycle , a bulky car , and hover board thingy which I didn't have time to finish
This is my first tutorial so I hope I could help ;-;
Firstly , the canvas size can be anything you're comfortable with , but I'm going for the FHD(Full HD) resolution as it's the most common resolution
It's important to gather reference to inspire better designs! Pintrest is a very reliable website for references
But before we draw , I'd like to give some simple pointers about design that will help with the design
Shapes are the most important design-wise , because the shapes themselves show traits.
For example , square-ish shapes tend to look much strong and heavier than other shapes
Vehicles with softer shapes will tend to look more comfortable and smooth while vehicles with sharper shapes look more agressive and very fast
Big , medium , small , a big rule of design , asymetry feels much more natural and dynamic than equally spaced or sized shapes
Usally there will be one big shape , which is the main focus , less than 4 medium shapes , and smaller shapes which are the details
Contrast is a really important one , to further avoid repetition , we can break the silhouette using an unexpected shape to the design
It's also a fun way to show multiple traits to the design
Silhouette is a dark outline of an object , with no details in the object. Using silhouette for design is rewarding because if the silhouette is recognnizable from far , then your design is recognizable from far
I like using Clip Studio Paint's "Lasso fill" tool to quickly fill in and erase shapes
Details will be added later , it's much important to use the design techniques that i showed earlier. With a strong foundation for your design , you are much likely to nail the final result
The figure tools can be edited so it can fill shapes , which really helps especially with vehicle design
After finishing the silhouette we draw over on a new layer ontop of the silhouette to define the shapes furthermore
It's recommended to make a large selection of silhouettes , 10 or more , and quickly picking the ones with intresting shapes. Draw over the silhouettes , and select your favourite
Here's me making silhouettes for a hover thingie
Thumbnailing is basically small quick sketches to let your ideas out , then reviewing the sketches and remaking them in different ways. This is called "Iteration" , trial and error
You should write down what was good about your thumbnail , and what bad ideas you've made
You will need to redraw again , fixing the flaws then sketching a final design
I recommend at least 5 thumbnails to really experiment with the design , at the end you will have a better view of what worked and what didn't .
You can either mix and match previous thumbnails with each other , or pick one of the thumbnails you made to clean up
Literal research , using apps like OneNote or GoogleDocs to write a research about the design you are going to make. The research is specifically to write down the intresting traits or facts from refrences that inspire your designs!
NEVER UNDERESTIMATE RESEARCH , it sounds boring , but the more knowledge you have at what you're designing , the more effective and realistic your design will be , and the more you can push at the design because you know what areas that can be exaggerated and what can't be
But firstly if you have little to no knowledge about the fundamentals of art then i encourage you to practice those first
Websites like drawAbox will help you long term
Otherwise , I usually practise art using simple steps , and it really helped honing my draftsmanship , here's a quick example :
Draftsmanship takes time and effort to build up. It's discouraging but I believe wiether or not you QUIT drawing because is too had , is an indicator to how passionate or serious you take your art as. It's like a test
There's basiclly 3 rulers that are multi-purpose tools and speed up the process very quickly
Perspective rulers are rulers that quickly make a guide for perspective for you
You can even add more vanishing points up to 4! But that number is very crazy and I don't recommend anything above 3 vanishing points >->
This one is a little bit more confusing , to summarize it , it's an advanced circle ruler.
You can change the orientation and size of the ruler , but if you want the ruler to be accurate , then you need to allign both horizontal and vertical axis to the perspective
As the name suggests , it's a ruler made for lines. There isn't much to talk about here , just drag from one point to another to activate the ruler
A presenation that focuses on representing multipe ideas to a team or an art director , and letting them choose the most suitable to the project
It's immportant to have clarity in the presentation , remember that the presentation is made for THEM not YOU
This one gives the most freedom , it can range from organised to chaotic , informative to vague , fully polished to simply messy sketches
It's much more expressive and it's specificaly made for YOU , so there are no limitations
These are ones you use for personal projects , or posting online.
Both can be used as a portfolio piece
Aerodynamics simply means how well the air flows throught the entire vehicle. Faster vehicles will have better air flow , slower vehicles will stop the air from flowing easily through it.
Planning for composition in small thumbnails will save you so much time , and it will guarantee a better composition
I recommend at least 4 thumbnails for the composition
That's all I was able to do in 5 days , relative to the monthly competition , I wish other competitors a good luck for the competition <3