How to Create Lineless Art




A lot of people draw with lines, because they like that comic book feeling. Some people want to draw soft drawings, that's why, they experiment and draw lineless drawings.


I will show you, how I draw character without outline.


You should star with a sketch of your character.

When you have your sketch, create new folder under it. Change sketch layers Opacity to 20% and change it's mode to Multiply.


In your created folder make new layers for skin, hair, tail, etc. Every part should be in different layer.

Now choose colors and mark different parts with brush. And fill them with Fill tool.

Every part should be in different layer. Don't forget that. It will be easier to add colors and shadows.

In the picture, it should look like this.

When you have chosen your base colors, you can put shadows and light to create depth.

For this, we will need to use Layer Clip.

On your created layer which has hair, body or other part, create new layer and clip it to layer below.

You should see, that new layers shape/stain is shown in limited area.


We will use this to create shadows and light on our characters parts.

Now, to give shadows to any part of your character, choose dark color.

Some of the parts might look to flat, or you might feel, that it need more depth. Then take darker color and add shadows, where you need it. I added darker tone to skin, under neck.

To give softness and life to character, I used Hard Airbrush.

Hard Airbrush I used on hair, skin, blouse and tail. It gave softness and helped character to pop up more.

To separate some similar color parts or give shine to your character, choose lighter or bolder colors.

Sometimes you will need to use some lines for nose, eyes, lips and hands. It is easier to use some lines for these parts, because they need more details.

As you can see, I left back hair in plain color. I do that, because I want to draw simple, lineless character. Even without a lot of detail, you still know that there is hair. To create deepness, I chosed lighter color than main hair color. It helps to create deepness in drawing.

When you draw lineless art ir is the best to choose bolder, opposite and contrasting colors. It helps to separate every part and it helps to identify where is hair, body, blouse, etc.


When you draw lineless art, contrasting colors are your best friend.

Now, you have your lineless character. Choose background and here it is, your lineless art.



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