



Hi everyone! This is a short easy tutorial on how I draw hair!


I use a simple noncomplicated method for rendering hair that only takes a few minutes, using only two brushes! (sometimes just one!)


So let's get into it!


I find it helpful to first map out the skull of the character if they were to not have hair, to know how and from where the hair would flow.

Keeping in mind the top of the skull and the hairline of the character, gives you guidelines on where to start drawing the hair.


STEP 1: The first step I usually start with is drawing the front of the hair. This may be the bangs, stray hairs or the hairline in hairstyles with the characters hair pushed back.


For different hairstyles, the hairline may or may not be visible. If it is visible it is important to keep it in mind when drawing the entirety of the front of the front of the hair. Some hairstyles may expose the entire hairline and have the power to change the entire shape of the face according to how wide or narrow it is drawn!

STEP 2: The sides of the hair! These are the parts of the hair that are usually infront of the ears. I also usually include the top of the hair here. It's important to draw the hair a little distance away from the skull line to make the hair look fluffy!

Adding varied distances between the skull line and the hair helps to give it a little more volume.

STEP 3: Draw the back of the hair! Make sure to keep a larger margin of distance between where the back of the hair starts to the ears.

I also add more details to it (adding stray hairs, more volume, minor corrections etc) and erase the unnecessary parts (like where the bangs blend into the sides of the hair)


I use a very simple coloring method that isn't too detailed but works well enough! I use only 2 brushes for it and sometimes just 1 depending on how much detail is visible.


The brush I use for shading is the 'soft bleed' watercolor brush that comes as a default brush with CSP. I use it with the following settings.

The second brush, more important brush I use is the 'Muk 01' brush pictured below. It can be downloaded from the Clip Studio Assets.


The watercolor edge of this brush gives a crisp line which I use to emulate strands of hair!

Well then, lets get into the coloring process!

STEP 1: After filling in the base color, slightly shade the edges and corners at the base and tips of the hair using the soft bleed brush at a lower opacity! Use a slightly darker shade of the same or different hue depending on the effect you're going for.

STEP 2: Go over the same edges and sides with the Muk 01 brush in light strokes to give it a slightly hair looking texture. This can be done at your preferred intensity to make it look more or less like strands of hair (I prefer less).

Layering the strokes gives more depth and so I sometimes skip the first step and directly shade with this Muk 01 brush!

STEP 3: Highlights! Using the Muk 01 brush again, at a lower opacity and either a lighter tint of the same color or white! At the most prominent parts of the hair (the middle of the separated chunks of hair, the curve of the skull etc) add white highlights that can be layered to brighten it up.

And that's the end!

The process usually takes me an extremely short time, but its easy and effective!


Thanks so much if you've stuck around till here! This is the first tutorial I've ever done and I'm quite nervous about it! Hope you've enjoyed and hope someone out there might have found it useful or a least a little fun to look through!


Thank you!



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