Creating Combat Characters




Hey guys, Greedy arts here. Clip Studio recently announced a theme challenge, and the theme I decided to go with is the Combat characters. In this tutorial, I will be sharing with you a few tips that I use on how to easily create your own combat character in Clip studios. Let’s get into it.

For this tutorial, I want to show you an easy way to create amazing characters even if you're a beginner. So the first thing I usually do is go to Pinterest or Google and look up a character reference for my drawing. Whether it be an anime character or a real photo, sometimes having a reference could drastically improve your art, especially if you are just starting out.


So, once you’ve chosen your reference, I then go into Clip studios and click this button here that says material body type. It will then show me several 3d models that I can pose for my character. This is a super helpful feature on Clip features as it allows you to pose this 3d model any way you want as a traceable image. You can see that there is male and female, and I will be choosing the male for the purposes of this video. (paragraph2)


Next, I want to check my pose library to see if there is a pose that is similar to my reference, otherwise I would have to pose the model from scratch. The pose library will more than likely not have your exact pose in mind every time, but it’s still good to check for poses that at least have a good base going in the right direction. Okay, so once I choose my pose, I am now going to start re-constructing the joints according to how I want it, using my reference. You will just click and drag the joints to your preference.


Okay, so here I have my pose completed. I now want to show you another cool trick that Clip studios offers. It’s called the manga perspective. By turning up this option, it gives it a more dynamic/anime feel. You can see that the hands are now slightly bigger than before.


The manga perspective option really helps the drawing feel a bit more dynamic.


By emphasizing items farthest away from the character, such as weapons or hands, It really creates that manga feel.


Now, I’m going to lower the opacity of the 3d model. This will make it easier to trace your drawing on top of. Alright, next, you will create a new layer, making sure to click and drag that layer above the layer with the model because you want to draw on top of that layer.



The next part is the best part for me. Now that you have a really solid base to work with, the fun begins. You can design the character any way you’d like and because you have this base, it eliminates any accidental deformities with proportions when drawing things such as clothes. I’m going to be drawing an original character, so I will be back after I’ve finished the basic sketch.


Okay, so now that I’ve finished my basic sketch, I’m now going to turn off the layer with the 3d model because I don't need it anymore.


Another cool tip I’d like to share is adding color to the background for more aesthetic. By adding another layer, making sure it’s moved under all the other layers, I can change the opacity to create a different atmosphere by changing that alone. Also notice, I’ve selected the fill button over the pencil that I was using previously.


Now, I’m just going to add a sort of highlight by using the erase tool. Keep in mind, this is still on the background layer. I’m going to highlight areas that may be hit with light, such as the side of the face, parts like his hand that’s sticking out. But, you can do this however you’d like. I ended up making the background a bit darker and as you can see it gives a nice illusion of dim lighting.



Here, I’m just adding a bit of color to my drawing, but you can add color that suits you. You can alway add more details and you can always go back and change the 3d model’s pose if you don't like the current posing. And that brings me to the END of my video. Thanks for watching this tutorial and I hope you find these tips helpful in drawing combat characters for your drawings. (ending saying) Bye for now!





공식 신착