Let’s make the magic with Clip studio's ruler tools!!




Hello everyone! In this tutorial, I'm going to show you some MAGIC!!

This magic is from Clip Studio ruler tool!!

I will show you the practical way to use it with several simple examples. 

If you’re new to the ruler tool, or have no idea of using it.


Let’s take a quick journey to all the ruler with me in this tutorial!!

Intro : The basic operations for the ruler

The ruler is the vector guideline that helps you draw the line.

Draw the ruler first, Then use any brush to draw on it.

The ruler is presented by this ruler icon on the layer.

You can right click and set where the ruler will show.

You can also set it on the ruler drop down list  on the layer panel.

If you uncheck all, the ruler will be hidden.

You can drag the ruler to another layer or to the folder

IMPORTANT : if you drag the ruler to the layer that already have the ruler, it will replaced with the new ruler

To move the ruler:

Use the [Object] tool, on the tool property panel :

• In [Selectable object] , check on [Ruler],and

• Set [Selection mode] to [New selection]

Then you can select and move the ruler

To edit the ruler, use the tools in the [Correct Line] subtool.

You can toggle the ruler snap on or off by [Snap to ruler] icon on the command bar

Use the [Object] tool to select and delete the individual ruler

If you want to delete all the ruler on the layer : drag the layer icon to the trash can



That’s all the basic operation you can do with the ruler tool


Now it’s time for the real Magic!!

Practical # 1 : Draw a magic circle with ruler

The ruler tool in Clipstudio is for drawing a single line.

There are 4 different rulers.

I design my magic circle roughly

Start with the rune. I use linear ruler to draw the lines

For the curve line:

set the [Curve] option in tool property panel to [Quadratic bezier] or [Cubic bezier]

The curve ruler is for drawing the line continuously

There is also curve mode, you can choose any control point type you prefer.

Note : the [Cubic bezier] mode will allow you to draw curve and straight in the same line

The [Figure ruler] is for drawing the close shape


Set the figure mode to ellipse, enable the [Aspect type]

keep height and width the same value and create circle rulers.

Change the [Figure] to the polygon, set the [Number of corners] in even value (4,6,8,...)

Here I set it to 6 for drawing a hexagon.

Hold [Ctrl] and move the ruler

Enable the [Adjust angle after fixed] and set the [Snap angle] to 45 degree.

This will allow you to rotate the ruler after drawing it and it will snap every 45 degree turning.

You can duplicate the ruler by hold [Ctrl] > right click on the ruler > copy

Then hold [Ctrl] > right click anywhere > paste

(Or just hold [Ctrl]>click on ruler> [C] > [V])

Here is the magic circle, but something is not right…

Oh.. let’s align it!!


Select rulers with the [Object] tool..

At the [Operation of transparent part] option, enable the [Select area by dragging] and [Objects in this layer]

Drag on some area over the figure rulers. It will make group object selection

If you don’t have the [Align/distribute] panel,

go to [Window >  Align/distribute] to call it

Set the [Alignment base] to [Selection in area] 

And align the ruler to center

Alignment feature is available in Clipstudio 2.0+ 

if you’re using the older version, check drawing part of my old tutorial for the trick to align objects with grid

The [Ruler pen] is for drawing the ruler line freely, it’s useful for creating runes that need to be drawn the same way often!

Set the [Post correction] value for more smoothen line

Tips : you can convert the vector layer to the ruler lines!


Create a new vector layer and draw

Then [right click on the layer >Ruler/Frame > Ruler from vector]

You can draw along the ruler by right click on the ruler icon and [Draw along ruler]

Note : if the ruler is set to [Show in all layer], you can right click on spacific layer > Ruler/Frame > Draw along ruler

Tips : you can save the ruler for future usage by save it with the layer to material library

I recommend to convert the layer to image material first

This will make the layer unpaintable

Rename the layer and set it to draft layer, so it’s not show when you export the final job and forget to hide/delete the ruler layer

Optional : change the layer palette color for more noticeable

Open the material library tab


Right click at [All materials] and [New folder]

I recommend to make material folder for your custom material. It’s very comfortable to use

Just drag the layer to the folder and it’s saved!

To use the ruler, you can simply drag it out from the material library!

Tips : for the odd corner polygon drawing

If you create the polygon with odd corners, it will have a problem with alignment. Because the width and height of the shape is not equal to each other.

To fix this, draw a polygon with double the number of corners..

In this example, I use a hexagon(6 corners) to draw a triangle (3 corners)


Draw a hexagon first, then align it with other rulers

Use the line correction subtool : [Control point]

Set the mode to [delete control point] 

And delete unwanted points

The magic circle is done!!


Next, let's draw the fancy magic wand with Special ruler tools!!!



Practical # 2 : Draw a magical wand with Special rulers

Special ruler is the ruler guideline for drawing multiple lines.

In this part, we will draw a fancy magical wand with the Special rulers.

Create a new vector layer

I recommend to use the vector layer, it's allow you to move separate line and easier to clean up the line with vector eraser

Draw the [Guide] first,

the [Guide] is a vertical and horizontal ruler that lay across the canvas. It's useful for making reference to position.


You can drag to draw the guide on the canvas 

or pull it from the canvas ruler scales ([Ctrl+r]to toggle it on/off)

You can set the position of the guide line with the [Object] tool.

I set the vertical guide to the center of the canvas (width 2000 px)

For the shape that need to draw only 1 time,

it's easier and faster to draw with the [Figure] tool

Let's save the time for muffin :3

If you don't want it to snap to the guide, disable the [Snap to special ruler] icon

You can align objects on the vector layer to the guide.

Select objects with the [Object] tool,

Then set the [Alignment base] to [Guide]


When aligned, the objects will align to the nearest guide ruler.

The [Special ruler] has several modes for different way to draw the line

The [Parallel line] and [Parallel curve] is for drawing parallel lines.

The effect of the ruler is applied to the entire canvas, 

so, when you create a new special ruler, the previous one will be snap-disabled and show in green line

To use previous ruler, select it with the [Object] tool and enable [Snap] option

The [Parallel curve] is for drawing curve lines that have the same distance to the ruler at entire line length. The line will look different depending on the distance to the ruler.

If you want to draw the same curve in parallel. Use the [Multiple curve] mode instead.

Use the [Object] tool to adjust the parallel angle.

I draw 2 curve lines for the ribbon and use the [Object] tool to adjust its position. 

This method is very useful when you want to draw an object with long parallel lines like ribbon.

The [Concentric circle] is for drawing circles around the same center

I create the [Concentric ruler] on the canvas.

Then align it to the guide.

Draw the circle part of the wand.

The [Radial line] and [Radial curve] is for drawing lines to one center point.

I also align them to the center of the guide, so all the rulers share the same center.

I use the [Radial curve] to add decorations on the wand.

The [Symmetrical ruler] is very satisfying to use!

I am going to draw the star with a [Symmetrical ruler].


The number of ruler lines will be double to the number of star points

I'm going to draw a five-points star, so I have to set the number of line to 10

and set the snap angle to 90

Align the [Symmetrical ruler] to the guide

Draw a line, and the star is done!! Very satisfying!!!

To clean up the line, if your vector eraser doesn't work with the symmetrical ruler,

Go to [additional setting] icon in the tool property panel

Draw the depth to the star. Use the [linear ruler].

If there is only 1 line appear, go to [additional setting > correction > enable snapping]

There are 10 ruler lines created,

delete the line on the opposite side of the symmetrical ruler until there are only 5 lines left.

Select ruler lines with the [Object] tool and Align to the middle of the guide

Draw the separation line to create depth to the star!

Paint the color and add depth on it, and the magical wand is done!

Tips : You can also use [Special rulers] with the [Symmetrical ruler],

here I use the [Parallel curve] with the [Symmetrical ruler] and the result is awesome!



Practical # 3 : Draw a flying ice cube with the Perspective ruler

It's time to fly!! Ready a flying magical ice cube!!

In this part I will show you the basic usage for the [Perspective ruler].


If you're new to the perspective here is some quick explanation for you!!

This is a box, 

but without saying, you will also see it as a square.

It's because you only see 2 pairs of parallel line here: width and height

Let's add length…

But it still does not look like a box, because the length and width is in the same parallel.

Add some angle to the length parallel and it will finally be a box!!

This view that made from 3 parallel dimension is called oblique view


To make it a perspective view.. add a vanishing point.

And project a parallel to it.

This will create a 1 point perspective view.

The horizontal line from the vanishing point is called eyes level.

add another vanishing point on the eye level line and project another parallel to it.

It will become a 2-point perspective view.

With this concept. Let's create a perspective ruler!

Set the mode to [Add vanishing point] and enable the [Change perspective view]

In my sketch you can see parallel lines of the dimension.

Drag the ruler line on the most outer lines.

You have to draw the 2 lines to create a vanishing point for the prospective ruler.

The eyes level line is automatically created

Draw the ruler on another side to create 2 points perspective

Use the [Perspective ruler] to help drawing in perspective view,

disable the [Snap to special ruler] to draw outside the ruler..

Note : The [Fish eyes] mode will create perspective with some curve of view.

That's all for the Clip studio rulers!!

I hope this tutorial can give you some ideas for creating magic in your art with this wonderful tool! 


Have fun drawing and see you in the next tutorial!!

Key summary

• There are 2 types of ruler tools in Clip studio: Ruler and Special ruler

• The ruler is Vector line, it can be operated with vector tools

• The ruler can be aligned

• The ruler can be registered as material by register it with the layer

• Special ruler can active only 1 ruler per usage but can use different type of ruler together

• I called the type of ruler by their snap habit, so the spaciel ruler I mentioned also count on Symmetrical ruler , Guide and Perspective ruler


