2. How to Use Clip Studio ASSETS




Clip Studio ASSETS is full of materials that you can use in your art immediately.


There are many kinds of materials, and some materials are designed for different software. In this article, we’ll explain about the different types of materials shown in CLIP STUDIO ASSETS, as well as how to check what type a material is.


[1] Main features of CLIP STUDIO ASSETS

■ Home


The Clip Studio ASSETS homepage will be displayed when you access the service.


You can use the following features on the homepage.




■ Search


At the top of the home page is a search bar where you can enter search terms.


· Search by keyword

Click “Search” on the search bar to type your keyword, then press Enter on the keyboard. The search result screen will show results with your chosen keyword.


If you want to add more keywords, click “Search” again to type your keyword and press Enter to confirm.


When you want to delete a keyword, click the “x” mark to the right of the word.

When you want to delete all of the keywords, click the “x” mark at the right side of the search bar.


· Search using the “Detail” button

Click the “Detail” button at the far right of the search bar to display advanced search terms including “Type”, “Software”, “User”, and “Price”.


When you click a search term, it will be added to the search bar.


For example, if you want to search for brushes, click the “Brush” button under [Type] to display only brush materials in the search results.


You can search with advanced filters and keywords at the same time.

Using both together can help to narrow your search results.


[2] Other useful features of ASSETS



Click the “≡” icon at the top left to display the Clip Studio ASSETS menu.


The menu includes links for “Ranking”, “Limited license materials” and standard materials.


① Click “Ranking” to display a list of materials with the most downloads that day.

Take a look at the Ranking page when you want to download popular materials.


② Click “Limited license material” to display a list of 3D character materials.

Limited license materials are provided by Celsys with the permission of the copyright holders. The permitted scope of use and other conditions are stated in the information for each material.


③ Click “Standard materials for illustration” or “Standard materials for manga” to display a list of easy-to-use materials for beginners, to help you create your own illustrations or comics.

If you are just starting out, try downloading some of these materials first.


④ Refer to “Help” or “Support” if you want a more detailed explanation of the features of Clip Studio ASSETS. Visit “Terms of Service” to read the terms of the site.




■ My Menu


Click the “∨” icon at the top right or click on the username thumbnail to open your account menu.


① Your account menu includes a link to your “Favorites”, a list of your favorited materials.

Click on the star icon (“☆”) on a material’s page to add it to your Favorites list.

You can also access your Favorites by clicking the star icon (“☆”) to the left of your user thumbnail.


② The “MyDownloads” page displays a list of materials that you have previously downloaded.

If you accidentally delete a material from the software, you can download it again from MyDownloads.


③ The “MyUpload” page displays a list of materials you have temporarily uploaded or published.

You can make changes to your published materials from the MyUpload page.


④ From “New post”, you can access your “Manage materials” page displaying your materials with the tag “Created Material”. When you want to publish a material, double-click it and select “Publish to ASSETS”.

For more information about creating and publishing materials for Clip Studio, select the “Help” option under “New post”.


⑤ When you have notifications or messages, these will show up in the “Notifications” page.

When you select “Notifications” or “Direct Message”, you will be taken to your Clip Studio Profile page.


⑥ On the “Settings” page, you can choose whether search results automatically load as you scroll down the page, or whether you need to load new results manually.

[3] List view: Understanding material properties

On the homepage, materials will be shown in a simple list view.


The list view includes the following information:




■ About material prices


Free materials will display the word “FREE”.

Paid materials will display “ G | CP”, “G”, or “CP”.

Note: ** refers to the price of the material.


G refers to GOLD, CP refers to Clippy tokens.

GOLD and Clippy tokens are point systems that act like currency on CLIP STUDIO services.


Visit the following site for more details about CLIPPY.


Visit the following site for more details about GOLD.




・ About “Add to Favorites”


Click the star icon (“☆”) to add a material to your Favorites list. The star icon will change from white to yellow to show that you have favorited the material.

If you click the star icon again, the material will be removed from your Favorites list, and the star icon will return to white.


[4] How to read the detailed material page

If you click the simplified thumbnail or the material name, you will be taken to the material page containing detailed information.


■ Top bar

The top bar includes the following information.


■ Like!

This is the number of “Likes!” that the material has received from users.

Users can “Like” each material once.


■ Material menu

If there is a problem with the material, click the “...” button to display the option “Report to administrator”.

Please describe the problem in detail in the pop-up screen.


■ Compatible software

This section tells you which software you can use the material in.

You can only use the material in the software that are listed here.


■ Download button

Click this button to download the material.

For free materials, the button will read “Download”. For paid materials, the button will read “Checkout Now”.



For materials posted from languages other than the one displayed, the material name and the explanation/use example in the center of the screen are translated and displayed.

To see the original text, click the “View Original” button between the “Add to Favorites” button and the “Material menu” button.

Click the “View Original” button to display the material name and the explanation/use example in the center of the screen in the original language.


■ Center section

The center of the details page contains explanations and example pictures of the material.

This section often explains how to use the material, so read this before you download. 


■ Lower section

Here, you can check for older versions of the material and gift Clippy tokens.


The material publisher’s profile is also listed here, so you can send them a Direct Message if you have any questions about the material.

If you want to look for other materials published by this user, click the “Search materials of this user” button to be taken to a search results page listing materials published by the user.

Below this, you can also see a simple display of materials made by the same user, other similar materials, and new materials published to Clip Studio ASSETS.



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