Try using expressive 3D characters in VRM format -Ver. 3.2-




Clip Studio Paint Ver. 2.2 or later can read VRM format files.

In Ver. 3.2 or later, facial expressions can also be added using the morph expression keys.


"VRM" is a file format specialized for 3D avatars (characters) used in virtual reality (VR).


Importing VRM files

You can import VRM format files as a 3D character. In addition, you can also move the arms and legs to freely create poses, and apply pose materials.


This article will contain more information on importing pose materials and the Morph expression key function.


Import the file by selecting File menu > Import > 3D Data, or by directly dragging and dropping the VRM file onto the canvas.


When you import a VRM format file, the VRM information dialog box will be displayed. You can check the usage permissions of the file here. Be sure to always check the usage conditions for the VRM format file before using it.


Create facial expressions using the morph expression key function (Version 3.2 or later)

From Ver 3.2 and later, you can use the facial expression shape key function (morph expression function) for VRM files to modify and adjust facial expressions in detail.


Shape keys are functions that change (morph) the shape of a 3D model.

You can use it when you want to smoothly transform complex shapes such as a character's face or body shape.


Expression shape key operations can be performed from the Tool Property palette > Morph expression > Use expression shape keys.


You can also perform the same operation from Sub Tool Detail > Character > Morph expression > Use expression shape keys.


Morph expression keys have parameters set for each expression that is associated with the shape of the mouth and emotions. The parameter can be freely set from 0 to 100 using the slider.

The implemented shape keys vary for each 3D character.


By freely combining different parameters, you can create even more detailed and lively facial expressions.


If the facial expression of the 3D character becomes distorted while operating the shape key sliders, you can press Reset to return to the initial facial expression setting.

Pose materials do not include facial expression data and cannot be registered as materials. However, with the 3D image materials that will be introduced later, it is possible to register the placement, pose, and facial expression of the 3D model as a 3D layer.


Please refer to the following article for detailed instructions on how to use 3D materials.



In Clip Studio Paint, you can adjust your models in detail and pose them freely.


For details on posing, please refer to this article on adjusting 3D drawing figure poses. You can also operate the 3D character in the same way.


Adjusting poses requires a bit of finesse, so try applying a pose material at first and then adjusting it.


In the Material palette > 3D > Pose, the poses for Entire body and Hand are registered as initial materials.


Entire body

After selecting a full body pose material, you can drag and drop it on the model to apply it.



Hand pose materials can also be applied by dragging and dropping, just like full body poses.

In addition, you can freely add hand poses that are not available in pose materials by using the Pose hand or Hand Scanner.


Pose hand and Hand Scanner are available from the Tool Property palette or from the Hand Pose palette in the Sub Tool Detail palette.


Pose hand

Drag the hand controller ([+] mark) within the central triangle area to open and close the fingers.


Hand Scanner

Your camera can capture your hand movements and apply the same pose to the 3D model's hands.


For a detailed explanation of how to set the hand pose of a 3D model, please see the following article.


Adjust the appearance of the 3D model

After importing a VRM format 3D character, if it does not look the way you imagined, try adjusting the light source and shadows as follows.


Display shadows

Imported VRM files are initially set to be unaffected by the light source.

If you want to display the shadows of the model, enable Apply light source in the Tool Property palette or the Sub Tool Detail palette under Light Source.


Apply light source

Left: Off, Right: On


Cast shadows on the ground and other models

You can choose a combination of ground and 3D model as the objects to project shadows onto.

When Cast shadows is on, shadows will be cast on the ground and 3D Models.


Top left: No shadows cast, Top right: Cast on ground only

Bottom left: Cast on 3D models only, Bottom right: Cast on ground and models


For details on how to adjust the shape and color of the shadows of the 3D model, please refer to this article.


When the display or operation is slow

When using VRM files with a large number of vertices, etc., model display and operation may become slow.

When outputting VRM, try to reduce the number of vertices as much as possible, or try the following points listed below. 


Change the Display settings for editing to Fast

If the display of VRM format files is slow, setting Display settings for editing to Fast on the Tool Property palette or Sub Tool Detail palette may improve the situation.


Turn off Physics simulation

When a VRM file is imported into an existing 3D layer, the Physics simulation will be turned on.


If the operation is slow, turning off Physics simulation in the launcher at the bottom of the model may improve it.


Registering 3D image materials

You can register a VRM format model with poses and facial expressions as a 3D image material. If you find a pose, facial expression, or 3D file arrangement that you like, try registering it as a material.


Select the 3D layer you want to register, then open the Material property dialog from the Edit menu > Register Material > Image.


After deciding on the Material name and Choose save location, tap OK, to save the layer containing the 3D character as a 3D image material.



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