Registering an illustration as an image material




From here, I will show how to use the illustrations I made in other illustrations.


<Example using image material>


Registering illustrations as image materials

I register my illustrations so I can use them as image materials.


(1) I select each layer with an accessory in it and combine it into a single image using [Merge selected layers] from the [Layer] menu.

  • I merged the copied layer folder into one image but left the original layer folder as is, just in case I had to make adjustments later.


(2) With the merged layer selected, I select [Edit] menu > [Register Material] > [Image].


(3) In the [Material Properties] dialog box, I check [Use for brush tip shape] and select [Location to save material] > [Image Material] > [Brush], and then select [OK].

  • Check [Use for brush tip shape] to use it as a brush material later.


The illustration has now been registered as an image material.

Using this process, I register each accessory as an image material.


Creating an illustration using image materials

You can use registered materials on other open canvases by dragging and dropping them from the image list.


I made this header image using the image materials I just made and registered.

I dragged and dropped them to the canvas and arranged them to make the image below.



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