Basic auto-action Shade | Tutorial.




Hey! I created an auto-action to improve the time and speed of my paintings. Hope this helps you too!

Download the auto-action.

First, you must download my auto-action. It is in Clic Studio Assets.

(Here it is!)

Add auto-action to your workspace.

To add my auto-action to your workspace, you just have to drag it to the auto-actions section.

How to use auto-action.

This auto-action serves to create a basic shade. Hope this helps a bit when it comes to painting, since if you are new to understanding color theory, that could be tricky.

To use this auto-action you must first select the layer that you want to paint. Then activate auto-action.

When auto-action is activated, it will create a

copy of your selected layer. In the created copy, a layer mask will also be created, use this to paint or erase the shade of your drawings.

<<<<<1. Select the layer you want to paint.>>>>>

<<<<<2. Activate auto-action. {Basic shade (基本 的 な 影)}>>>>>

<<<<<3. Use the layer mask to paint or erase the shade.>>>>>

(I'll leave an example here with a drawing of mine.)

That's all I hope this helps you a bit and excuse me if I was not clear enough. bye! :3



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