



Hello guys! I'm Emi, from EmiDraw. Comic strip artist on social networks, youtuber and stremer on twitch. In this opportunity I would like to show you how to make stickers to be used on WhatsApp or any other platform that you require.

The software that I use is in English, but don't worry, I've highlighted each tool for your understanding of Spanish!



Follow the step by step in my YouTube video tutorial! ♡


Once you open the program you must go to File >> New >> and the following pop-up window will appear:

In this you must choose the size of your worksheet, the length and width, as well as its pixels. For these stickers I recommend creating a 500x500 pixel canvas with 300 DPI.


A white base layer will be created automatically and on top of it you must create a new layer to draw.


On a transparent layer draw your sketch, draw your sticker as an eraser. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it does need to help guide you when making the final lines.

When drawing, you must consider that your drawing will have borders, so you must separate it from the sides. To do this, use the Lasso tool and modify your drawing to fit the sheet. With this tool you will be able to contract and move your drawing freely.


Name the layers by double clicking on them, in order to guide you when drawing the final lines of the sticker.

Now that you have identified the layer that your sketch has, lower the opacity, this will make your drawing become translucent and will facilitate the lineart process (definition of the sticker lines).

Create layers for each part that makes up your sticker; separates the lines of the face, clothes, hair, hand and accessories (star) in different layers.

Once your linear is finished, hide the sketch since you will no longer use it. You can press the little eye on the left side of the layer to hide it (you can also erase the layer directly). This will allow you to see only the final lines of your drawing and their result.


As you can see in the image below, the sticker lacks finishes at the bottom, to close our drawing. For this we will use the straight line tool, and we will create a line that connects from the arm to the shoulder in a new layer below all the previous layers.

We will erase the highlights from the lineart of the sticker and the line.

And ready! You already have your linear done.


So that our drawing is organized when coloring it, we will create a new folder.

And we will drag all the lineart inside. This will allow us to extend and contract the line tents.

If we want to change the color of our lineart, just create a new layer on top of our folder.

And link it with the tool indicated in the image.

So you can color in this new folder that you put above, all the lines of the layers contained in the linked folder.

TIP: There is another much simpler shortcut which is to change the color of all the lines of the layer by clicking on "Layer Color", in the layer property tab.

You could also color each layer separately if you like, you just have to create a new layer on top of them, link it and color in this new layer.


Create a new layer under the Lineart folder, this will make the lines of the drawing overlap the colors. Now, with the selection tool and using the paint bucket, color each part of the body with a base color in different layers. Separate face, hair, eyes, clothes and accessories.

Already having each layer with a base color, you can go on to add shadows and highlights. For this, we are going to create a new layer on each layer, and linking them, we are going to color each layer.

If you don't know what color to choose for a specific layer (as for example in the image: the star), I suggest you go to Edit >> tonal correction >> and the Hue / saturation / lightness tool.

With this tool you can change the hue, brightness and saturation of the color.

Until they find the perfect color.


You can now save your drawing if you want the sticker to look as you see in the image. With a square white background.

For this you just have to go to File >> save as >> And save in PNG FORMAT.

If you want your drawing on a transparent background, you just have to de-visualize the white base sheet. With this, only the linear and the colors will be visible when saving the image in PNG format.

This will be the result of both images being added on a gray background.

The one that was saved with a white background and the one that was saved with a transparent background.



Personally, I like a sticker made with borders much more, since the drawing is distinguished and stands out much better. For this they must duplicate the folder where you have the lineart.

Drag the duplicate folder under all layers and activate the border tool. Like the picture below:

Once you decide the width of the border, save it in transparent PNG format (unhiding the default white layer).

This will be the result.

In the event that you want to make a sticker to print and cut, I recommend that you make a second black border to guide you when cutting. For this you just have to duplicate the white border folder, put the new folder underneath and color the border black and adjust it to your liking.

This would be the result of your sticker.


TIP: In the same way there are 2 simple ways to do the same:

1) You can add the border tool directly on a folder.

2) Use the button "Combine visible in a layer" (right mouse button on layer). This will create a new layer with what you see at the moment on the screen. If creating layer after layer is very unnecessary, I advise you to put the white border folder inside a new folder and add the black border to this new folder.



Download the application that best suits you to make stickers for whatsapp in the PlayStore, I will use: Sticker Maker. First, you need to create a sticker pack, name the sticker set, and enter an alias for the creator.


Set Name: Emi

Author: EmiDraw


And you give to create.


Import an icon image, this will appear as a reference on your keyboard when looking for the sticker set. And then choose the stickers you want to put and import them, you can add as many as you want.

Once the image is open, you have the option to: Select all >> Save.

When you have all the stickers you want to add ready, just click on "Add to WhatsApp" and press "add".

You go to WhatsApp, and you will see the previously selected icon on your keyboard. The stickers you have uploaded will be displayed here. Ready to be used!

I Hope I've been helpful! Now you know how to make your own stickers for whatsapp!



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