




This is tutorial for beginner and digital artist who want to sharp their skill on making line art! I will help

you guys to improve your skill and i will explain what i know about line art to you guys.


What is Line art?


Line art is the second process after you done sketches your idea and want to make a clean line art of it.

Well it one of hardest process and longest cause there a lot of undo cause u need to make it look nice.

(ctrl +z ) is the important key in this process so keep your finger on those button and make a bind for

changing the size of your brush (recommend).



First Step


Check your pen pressure/sensitivity . Basically it will set automatically but if you uncomfortable with the

pressure you guys always can change it on :


Select the [File] menu > [Pen Pressure Settings] to open the [Adjust pen pressure] dialog box.


This is a link for how you want to change your pen pressure that Clip Studio make for their users!





Second Step


Well lets make sketch of our awesome idea! no need to put too much detail in the sketch. Its for easier for

you to recognize the shape of your drawing and you did not mistaken of it.



Third Step


Let’s get it on withe the line art!


Tips 1 : Dont use a BLACK color for your line art! i prefer you guys use the little black grey or dark purple or dark blue.


Tips 2 : For save your time on doing line art i prefer you use the vector layer!


Tips 3 : Make sure you didn’t leave a gap betwwen line art.


Tips 4 : Know which part u need a thick and thin line! It will make your line art more beautiful.


Tips 5 : Separate your line art. Its not necessary but it will help u a lot. (make multiple layer)



Fourth Step


Relax and enjoy the process! Do Not stress yourself.



If you feel tired or losing control and cant focus. Please STOP. Take a break and calm yourself! It will help alot in process so u can

identify most of your mistake on your drawing.


Also if you planning to draw for few hours please turn the brightness of your screen and keep yourself hydrate.






Hai guys! in this video I will help you guys with your lineart! This quick tutorial for beginner artist to make their lineart look clean! I will try to explain what I know bout it.


This is first tips before we start!

Get ready to smash ctrl + z button! Because we gonna make clean lineart ofcourse! And bind the size of brush to make easier it not necessary but I recommend it!

Second, don’t use a Black color . Use dark color instead like grey , dark blue , dark purple and so on. As long not black.


First let me show how clean good line art looks! Lets use banana first for example! We can change some boring banana to delicious looking banana!


Remember u need to know how to play with the thickness of the line! Thickness can resemble if the subject is heavy or light , far or near and hard or soft! If u can see there some place I make it thin and some line is thick to resemble its hard and smooth part. Its also make your lineart not boring to watch!

Also, u can add detailing! Line and spot is a common thing artist use to make detail! But don’t make it too many cause it will look crowded but some artist love to make it more detail so it your choice.


Please enjoy watching the process


Anndd its done! Our banana is ready eat! Um I mean its done ! the lineart haha…


Now moving on to make a lineart for character.

Firstly, we need to make sketch of our amazing idea . Just use any brush and be free to do the sketch! No need to make it detail. As long u can see the shape is fine!

Next , after we done with the sketch. Its time for long and hard process. The LINEART ! get ready soldier!


Remember to know which part need to thick and thin. For example when the line meet line its more better if u thick the meet between of the two line.


Next tips I recommend u guys to flip your canvas often to see if your lineart is okay or not I mean its look weird if u flip so u need to adjust it.


Now we make a simple shadow for it!


Extra tutorial on quick color . First rasterize your vector layer. Then use the wand tool. Make sure your line is connect and leave no gap. Then, if your area scalling is uncheck pls check it and put on 2 or 3 . make sure the line in on your lineart cause there the color will be applied. Usually 1 to 3 is fine for your drawing. Next click the double triangle for invert the selection. Then make a layer below the layer and then make a mask . Then click the paint bucket on top for fill. After that use a paint bucket to fill the color. pls make sure for multiple referring u click the first one.


And were DONE!


This is advantage if u use vector layer. First, click the square icon to open edit function.


First, U can change the color of the lineart without change the color using clipping mask anymore.


Next , we can change the thickness of the line. If suddenly u feel want to use a thin line u can change using this.


We also can change the type of brush we use.


Next, we have correct line function.


First u can control as u can see all the line have an anchor point.


Second u can pinch the line. Yeah u can stretch the line like I did and u hold button ctrl so u can edit by anchor point and can move it as u wish


For the third is for simply your vector line means it decrease your anchor point in line.

Next u can adjust the width of your lineart . There is more easier to make thick and thin line using this brush. U can change how thickness u want and u can change the brush size.


Last tips reduce the screen brightness because we spend a lot of the time look at the screen and remember to keep hydrate! No need to rush doing the line art and enjoy the process. This is my advice there is many kind art style in this world there even art that didn’t use the lineart so don’t get stress over it just u do u and have fun doing it! Keep practicing and take care of yourself!







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