8.Fill in monochrome




Compatible with Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.9.14


Create a new layer and fill in monochrome using the [Fill] tool.


Creating a Layer for Filling in Monochrome

Create a layer for filling in monochrome and then fill the inked character and background in black monochrome.


1 The draft and storyboard will not be used from this point onward, so hide the "Draft" layer and "Storyboard" layer on the [Layer] palette.


2 Click [New Raster Layer] on the [Layer] palette. Change the layer name of the created layer to "Fill".


3 Select the [Pen] tool and draw the border lines of the area for filling in monochrome.


4 Select the [Fill] tool and then select the [Sub tool] palette → [Fill] → [Refer other layers]. Configure the properties on the [Tool Property] palette as shown below.


5 Click the areas of the content drawn on the "Characters 2" layer to be filled in monochrome and fill the areas.


6 Repeat this process to fill Frames 1 and 3 in monochrome. Select the "Characters 1" layer on the [Layer] palette and click [New Raster Layer] to create a new layer.

Change the layer name of the created layer to "Fill 2".


7 Follow the same process to fill in monochrome using the [Pen] tool and [Fill] tool.


8 Filling in monochrome is complete.


Filling in White (Before Finishing)

The border lines overlap with the characters in some areas. Fill these areas in white so that the intersecting parts of the border lines are hidden behind the characters.


1 Click [New Raster Layer] on the [Layer] palette.


2 Change the layer name of the created layer to "White". Change the stacking order of the layers so that the "White" layer is below the "Characters 1" layer.



· Move any layers by dragging the grip on the right side of the layer when using the tablet or smartphone versions.


3 Hide the [Paper] layer on the [Layer] palette so that the white filled areas can be seen easily.


4 Check that the sub color on the [Tool] palette is white and click the sub color.

If white is not set as the [Sub color], select white on a palette such as the [Color Set] palette.


5 Use the [Pen] tool and [Fill] tool in the same way as when filling in monochrome to fill the areas of the character intersected by the border lines in white.


6 When you have finished filling in white, display the "Paper" layer again on the [Layer] palette.



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