Auto Action Ideas! Vibrance Filter + Blurred Lineart!




Using Auto Actions is GREAT for saving time! I really recommend watching the video for this!! I spent hours editing it to make it fast, clear, and good quality!


But if you would rather read to learn. I've typed everything out as well (:



1. Window -> Auto Action (window will pop up above your layers pallette)

The Auto Action panel should pop up above your layer pallette.


In it there's four icons at the bottom - record - play - new - trash.


Hit new!

Then a new bar pops up saying "Auto Action 1"

You can rename this. If you want to rename it later just double click on it.


Then we push the record button to start recording!! Clip Studio Paint will record your steps to automatically do everything for you later!


It doesn't record EVERYTHING though.

♦ Layer Re-arranging ♦ Undo/Redo ♦ Drawing ♦ Tool Switching


What it DOES record is anything executive menu sort of actions! Anything on a right click, or in filter edit filter etc.!

It ALSO records renaming layers, and applying color to them! We'll do that first since it's easy.



FIRST AUTO ACTION: Getting Layers Ready for Lineart

Let's say you have a freshly drawn doodle. Usually you might get ready to ink by adding a new layer on top, renaming the layers, and maybe applying some color to the layers for easy visual organization.


Let's do that, but record it, so Clip Studio Paint can automatically do it for us in the future!!


Have a layer already. (there doesn't need to be anything on it.)


1. Make sure you got your new auto action highlight and push record!

2. Bring your layers opacity down to your liking.

3. Rename layer whatever you like. I put it as "sketch"

4. Apply a color to your liking to the layer. (I put sketch layers as light grey purple)

5. Add a new layer for lineart. (I make my lineart layers vector layers)

6. Rename lineart layer. (I name mine "INK")

7. Apply color to layer. (I put my lineart layers as dark purple)


Then press the record/stop icon again!


Now you have an auto action to do all that every time you make a new sketch!


To use it, just highlight a layer you made a sketch on, then highlight your auto action you made it hit the PLAY icon!


Here's what mine looks like immediately after pressing the play icon! SO FAST!!


NEW AUTO ACTION - Making Lineart Blurred

There's a super tedious trick you can do with lineart. But if you record it ONCE in an auto action it won't be tedious to do anymore!!


The result of this is blurring your lineart so it looks softer and more aesthetic.


Start a new auto action. Name it.


Make sure you have a layer with some lineart on it.


1. Hit Record.


2. Duplicate your lineart layer.


3. (If you use vector layers for lineart, make sure to right click-> Rasterize)


4. With your new layer highlighted, go up to the top menu - Filter -> Blur - Blur Strong


5. Blur strong again.



This effect might take a lot of blurring before you actually start to see it. If you want more, you can repeat the steps again.

Duplicate Lineart layer again, and apply blur to that new layer.


I did it twice. I had two blurred lineart layers, so I merged them together.


Then I named the layer "blurred lineart" and applied a color to the layer.



And there you have an auto action that can easily apply blur to your lineart! (:


Vibrance isn't a filter built into Clip Studio Paint BUT we can still do it!!

It's a lot of steps though, so recording it in auto action to be done INSTANTLY in the future is really smart!!


What do vibrance filters do? They boost the saturation of a picture, but omits flesh tones and keeps them looking normal.


To do this effect, open up a final image or photo, that's all on one layer.


For example, here's the photo I'm using.

1. Hit new Auto Action. Name it "Vibrance Filter"


2.Hit Record


3. Duplicate your photo layer TWICE!! (Yes you need THREE Layers of your photo)


4. Select top layer - Edit -> Convert Brightness to Opacity


5. Right Click layer - Selection From Layer 0> Create Selection


6. Now delete that layer. (we ONLY needed it to make this selection)


7. Right click next layer - Layer Mask -> Mask Selection


8. Right click layer again - New Correction Layer -> Hue Saturation Luminosity


9. Change Saturation level to 100. (if you want less effect, then put it lower)


9. Now merge all your layers into one layer!


10. Hit STOP recording.


Below is a comparison. Left is before. Right is after filter is applied.


If you want to have control over the filters level of effect, simply have your original photo directly underneath your filtered photo. Then bring the filtered photo's opacity down, until the colors are to your liking! (:

And that's it! Let me know if you have any ideas for things you can auto action! I'd love to hear it because I wanna get super fast!! (:<



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