How to not F Up Webtoon and Comic Paneling




Paneling… can be a bi-, paneling was ( and sometimes still is) a cringe nightmare fuel when I first started, and ummm….. Let’s just say they are deep in the dark abyss never to be seen again. The first time I started comics was in 2020 and I thought I didn’t need help with making a comic, this was gonna be easy….. this was for a webtoon competition and I got to say people are waay too nice, not enough criticism, I would have taken it, would I cry yes but I will take heed to it and learn in the future comics. So here are some things I learned about comic paneling.



Too much stuff not enough space


Please don’t clutter your panels with so much info about what’s going on, you know the HunterxHunter type paneling and trust me you won’t get lucky like that to get your comic animated with a plethora of info and I get you to want people to know about your worldbuilding and your power system but the best thing to do is to take it to slow, teach them little by little, let them come up with their theories on what’s gonna happen next, keep them guessing.

Make it make sense

2)off-topic much

have you ever seen a fish walking with the garbage man while they do jumping jacks in the Pacific Ocean?

Um, what?

I know I confused the hell out of you but that’s what happens when you go off-topic and rush your story.

to be fair it is a lot easier to make your story confusing but its also easy to follow through too.



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