How to Create a Brush For Making a Traditional Texture

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Hi again, my name is Ochkis, is been a while since i updated my tutorial, so for today i'm just gonna do that, there will be a video for this tutorial but i don't have any computer to edit it, because apparently my comptuter power source is overuse and every time i turn it on, it will shut down, so let's just hope for the best, and win this competition

And by the way thank you so much for my previous post you guys totally nail it, it really help me to pay my university debt, i really appreciate the like and the comment, thank you 🥰🥰


Alright enough about that, so in my previously post someone ask me on email, how to make coloring not look like plastic, so here we are, so for today tutorial, i'm gonna take you to the tour how to make a texture brush for your drawing and what kind of function that will make our texture brush powerful, it mainly based on water and oil base coloring, and some tips a long the ways for coloring and drawing, Ok so let's jump into it.

Creating The Texture Brush

So the first thing to do is to know exactly what kind of things you needed first,

There are 2 types of brushes that we will create. The First is watercolor color, and an oil color style

Which is the main goal of all digital drawing technique to make it more realistic, which is where texture brush comes in, Texture brush is pretty which is basically adding a repeated texture model to a computer simulated brush


And i know i sound like, i know what i'm doing, but i'm not, like i already told you that i just had experience with digital drawing for a year, and everything sound complicated T-T, but that had never stop me, so

Of course the texture will be just some randomize pattern form ,


It really is amazing, so to do this you can just created a texture pattern form a real world, and make a copy with it to digital, but that take a long time and i know some of you are beginner, and want to be good as possible, and don't worry i prepare some texture pattern that being use on this tutorial, or you can just use the initial texture that clip studio provide you with, or you can also search in google, like "Watercolor black png" or "Oilcolor black png" , here is the texture that we will be using.

OK after you download those png you can add it to your material by created a new layer with

Size : 2000px x 2000px

Resolution : 300


Adjust it and after you happy with the result register you material

which you can then later use for your brush tips.


With ‘Layer 1’ selected, choose ‘Edit’ -> ‘Register Material’ -> ‘Image…’ from the main menu.

And then save it wherever you want, and make sure to check the "use as brush tip"

VERY NICE, So we got our resources now we can finally create the brush

So to do this we need a base of our new texture pen, so how do we do that, and the answer to that is to use the preinstall brushes that clip studio paint provide us with, i always use pencil that clip studio provide us with and play around with it, to make sure the pencil didn't disappear you need to duplicate it.


Ok Cool now we had our based, so what next? The next step is to open the setting of the brush and you and you will be greeted by this menu.


What we will change was just "Ink", "Brush Tip", and "Texture, But the first thing we need to do is to enable the Mix Ground Color Setting and set it to "Blend

The use of blend is to automatically blend the differences of color that we use to shade, and by using this features it will also prevent the color to form an overpowered effect, same as water color, or oil paint color

After that we just go to the "Brush Tip", to selected the one that we already save on the material, with this instead just a round end, we just selected it, and now we have a Brush Point that look similar to the real water color , and oil painting

After you selected it you can just go to the next step, but if the brushes doesn't have a strong color like you intended to be you can just change the "Hardness" of your Brush but i don't recommended you to up the level to level 3

And then our preparation to make a powerful Texture Brush has completed, now we just need to selected our texture to "Drawing Paper", the reason why we need to this is because to make our coloring not look like being draw in the piece of plastic

You can selected an texture for your brush according to your taste, if you are used to drawing on paper select the "Drawing paper", and if you are used to drawiing on canvas use "Oil Paint"

Now you can just add the other material that we had save, you can just follow the step again, only this time you replace the material of the Brush tip with the other one.

OK awesome you can setting the gap between the brush tip by selecting the "Stroke" setting, you can play around, and experiment with it but i recommended you to follow this setting.

After you done you will got two texture brush, i know is not a lot but you can make a powerful effect using this brushes, and this is the comparison of these brushes, while you already know the basic you can always change it to your preference art isn't just about buying, or follow a tutorial is all about trial and error from experiment and playing with it, just have fun

How to use it?

Ok, as interesting to made the brushes lets get to the meat of this tutorial, at this point i had to put my money where my mouth is to put this brushes to the test, alright for the first things is we need to draw some character and i will post it on my youtube channel if i had money to fix it, but for now let me just explain it with text

For some of you who haven't really follow me, you probably need to see my other tutorial, about shading because that tutorial containing how to arrange your layer when you want to do coloring, here is the link for that tutorial.

But if you already done that, then we can continue

OK the first thing you want to do is draw some abstract background with the brush that we just create, this will make the paper behind our character will look more like a canvas, to do this just add a new layer behind the "Color" file

And remember not to add to much because the color will be too heavy unlike an coloring on canvas

After that you will ad a new layer above the "Color" file the function of this layer is to add a back light on the character, you can watch my previous tutor to know how i chose the color for shading but basically i want it to feels like an spring season on the evening, where the

atmosphere is where this girl ask on a date but still have enough time until the time is ending, So i add a little bit of Dark Magenta and Red Pink, Indication that night is almost come, and we the sunlight is already starting to set.

After that lower down the Opacity of the Backlight Layer, and delete some part with the brushes that you have

The reason why we deleted some of the back light is to have an indicator on where the light will mainly be

After that we adding a Shade Texture to the Drawing, to do this just add a new layer and set it to multiply use the Texture Brush we just created

When adding the Texture Shade, brush it on the darker color of the drawing, in this case i use Dark Magenta as the shading , so on Texture Shade i will use Black Magenta to even it out.


After that we just need to add a light source using also our Texture Brush

Remember to set the light source layer to Glow Dodge.

Keep adding the light source but not over did it because it will only make your drawing look more paler if you add to much of the light source.

After that you duplicate the layer property and make it change the layer setting into screen mode, the reason is because it will multiplies the texture that we add, and then inverts that result. The Color Dodge blend mode divides the bottom layer by the inverted top layer. This lightens the bottom layer depending on the value of the top layer: the brighter the top layer, the more its color affects the bottom layer, so it will make you drawing doesn't get to dark

And after that and flatten the image and after that we are ready for the final step of thisTexture your digital drawing is, adding another Texture Layer but this time we add it from our "Material Terture"

And then Select the Texture you want to add, my personal favorite that clip studio provide me was drawing paper, Oil Paint, and Fine Textured

After all of it done set the Texture layer into an "Soft Light" i dont think you can choose other than soft light, hard light, or dodge light, if you want your drawing becoming more darker and have more texture than you can change it hard light

Thank You!

Okay, i think that's all i want to cover for today

I hope you guys enjoyed the tutorial so far,

make sure to leave out a comment down bellow if you have anymore questions

regarding brushes or some tips.


this project takes week to finish and i really happy that i past my exam already, and thank you again for the previous support hope you guys will support me to on the future, and if you can please sent me some support/donation on this journey together with me as you know i was an end of the year uni student who still have a lot of debt, so you can sent it any amount to my Paypal account, even if just 1 dollar i really appreciate it 🥰🥰

And if my computer got fix before i expected it, i will do a live streaming for you guys, so keep connect on my Youtube or this Account, i will announce it 3 days before the streaming



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