Shading and light with colour theory





colour theory

When you wanna shade something there are a lot of things you can consider for what final look you're going for.

There are a lot of emotions you can express with where the light in your drawing is coming from and what colors you use.

Let's take a very quick dive into color theory.

Here is a color wheel the same one as in clip studio.

you can split the colours up into 2 categories, warm and cold. Purple and green can be a bit weird.

Warm colors can express positive emotions like joy, happiness and love. And cold colors can portray negative emotions like sadness and fear. Same with where the light is coming from.

Front, upper light and less shading feel more positive. and low, dim light and harsher shading feel more negative. Shadows do tend to be on the cold side and light on the warm side but you know rules are meant to be broken.



To test out which shading fits your drawing better, you can make sketch shade and highlight layers, these don't have to be perfect of course. But this way you can get a feel of what the drawing is gonna look like and which colours fit your drawing better, you can also make a little pallet on the side.


I also use multiply and linear burn to get the colours I use and I put the highlight layers in glow dodge and add (glow) they give the prettiest effect.





here are most of the brushes i used in the image


