How to draw weather




Hello, internet!

Welcome to my weather tutorial. In this tutorial we'll go over things like how to depict feelings through the weather accurately, how to use proper lighting and shadows, and how to use the appropriate weather for various landscapes. I'll be mainly talking about sunny, cloudy rainy and snowy weathers.


So let's get started!

Emotions Behind Weather

Before we start drawing weather it's important to understand the emotions each one represents. Changing the weather is like changing the background and different backgrounds tell different stories. Choose wisely which weather suits best to the message behind your drawing. The weather has the ability to completely change the plot, much like in this kitty's tale.


I'll start with the easy one, sunny weather. The presence of a light source, which causes shadows, is the most crucial element in a sunny picture. Knowing the sun's direction will help ensure that all shadows fall on the same side. Choose the appropriate placement for the time of the painting you have in mind since the sun will alter its direction during the day.

To start with, pick out a light blue color for the sky then use the gradient tool to darken the top of the painting whilst brightening the bottom.

Be sure to shadow according to sun.

We can now draw the sun glare starting by covering the edge with white color and then drawing lines outward with a soft edge brush. You can use the eraser to help blend it.

With light blue blend in the edges even more. Add a new layer underneath, then airbrush a more reddish color beneath the lines. Also, add a circular line around it with airbrush.

Now for the halo, draw a spherical line with white soft edge brush. Then clip a layer above and draw the colors of the rainbow. Use motion blur to blend in the colors.

It's done!


The difference between sunny weather and cloudy weather is the number of clouds. So I'll mainly talk about that.

To make the clouds pop out more it's important to use very blueish tones for the sky. Lighten the bottom and darken the top.

For the cloud use the color white and do circular motions with a textured or slightly soft brush. If you want to give the illusion of the cloud moving you can add trails of it coming from its sides.

Clip layer above and determine where the shadow needs to be. Use a darkish blue color to fill it in.

Blend in additional colors as you add them to the shadow.

Blend it with airbrush and add stripes through the parts where the color changes to add more texture.

Finally, airbrush the cloud with white to give it a fluffier appearance.

Remember that clouds will cast shadows. For this illustration the mountains are below the clouds so I darkened them accordingly.


Rainy weather evokes a more somber and downcast feeling due to its cooler and darker tones.

First, since rainy weather lacks light, we can start with getting rid of bright colors off of the dress, shoes, skin and the house. Use a layer above and fill only the bright parts with a darker color. This way the contrast between shadow and light will lessen. Also, use a very dark blue to paint the sky and darken the top of it.

If you're starting from the beginning use darker colors for the grass and mountains but for this one, I need tone curve to darken it (Layer> New Correction Layer> Tone Curve).

I reduced the amount of red and green so that the painting has more blue, which gave it a cooler feeling (i didn't change blue). I also changed the color of the mountains to match the environment.

Underwater her hair will get wet making it darker and deflated.

Finally, for the rain drops, I use the 'rain brush set' by ぱーらめんと.


Start with the blue sky and draw a bright yellow skyline. Use pink to blend them together.

Then fill the snowy ground with a similar color. Using a darker tone draw shadows around the ground and under her feet.

Fill the roof of the house with snow.

For mountains, pick the side where the light comes from and fill it with a brighter tone.

Add in the rocks with a darker blue and use stripes to texture it.

To finish it off I added snow with 'Snow brush set with crystal mixing ' by のんた.

Thank You!

I had so much fun making this tutorial so I hope you found it useful. Nevertheless thank you for reading!🌞


